[3830] CQ160 CW VE3RZ Single Op Assisted HP

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Sun Jan 25 18:48:58 EST 2009

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: VE3RZ
Operator(s): VE3RZ
Station: VE3RZ

Class: Single Op Assisted HP
Operating Time (hrs): 15

Total:  QSOs = 605  State/Prov = 58  Countries = 61  Total Score = 388,178

Club: Contest Club Ontario


I knew that I had no chance for a full time effort so I thought I would try and
get a good run on Friday evening/Saturday morning.  Got home from work early
and looking forward to starting at new time of 5:00pm local - only to find that
when I went out to see if antenna in good shape, the inverted L was lying in the
snow....  Had to try and get it up fast - one of the rope supports had broken
due to frayed rope against tree limb....So, I changed around the antenna,
ending up with a long slope from the feed point to the attachment in tree at
about 45 feet up.  Then a slope down to one of the apple trees... Total length
is about 155feet. Weather of course, was about -20C with wind chill and there
was about 2ft of snow in the back yard... Got back into shack and with fingers
crossed I tried the SWR - great 1.2:1  So after losing first hour we tried some
S&Ping - decided to use DXCluster to see how many countries could be worked.  I
think everyone has said it, the conditions were FANTASTIC, I have never heard
so much DX on 160m and many times it sounded just like 20m. Worked through
local sunrise then went to bed - but not before 400Qs 54 Sections and 55
countries in the log.  Felt very good as I had only ever worked 20 countries
before in a 160m contest.  Saturday night was lost as I had to attend a
birthday party in Toronto - so only got back at about 11:45pm local time. 
Still managed to work a goodly number of stations, including the last ones for
a WAS finishing with WC7S (thanks) for the only WY station I heard.  Heard VE4
S&Ping early in contest, but never again. Nothing heard from Artic Canada. Good
to work KL7RA and KH6LC.  Clearly heard OY9 but pileup too bad to get through. 
Other DX heard but not worked included HD2, RW0, JA, ZC4.  Glad to work 40 Eu
countries and got through pile up to 6W.

Setup: K2/100 & Command HF1250 - 1000w
       Ant: Low inverted L
       S/W: N1MM

Thanks for all the Qs and looking forward to the next one..


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