[3830] CQ160 CW NQ4I Multi-Op HP

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Sun Jan 25 19:13:39 EST 2009

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: NQ4I
Operator(s): NQ4I, W4SVO, W8ZF AND N3ZL
Station: NQ4I

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Griffin, Ga
Operating Time (hrs): 40

Total:  QSOs = 1708  State/Prov = 59  Countries = 83  Total Score = 920,302

Club: South East Contest Club


What can I say, but that conditions were the best I have ever seen!! On Thursday
before the contest we got a glimpse of what was to come and believe me it was
fantastic! The band was better than 20m meters at a sunspot high! The stations
that called in from EU were stronger than most New England stations....and they
came in waves...two or three at a time and then a few stateside and then back to
the EU callers....We had W8ZF join us after a 25 year hiatus from contesting,
boy did he pick a great time to see 160 m conditions! he sat in the drivers
seat on Friday and was just in wonder as one after the other EU called in...our
multilpier count would be tied with K1LZ as the highest total with 142 total
mults! At the end of 24 hours we had over 1000 Q's , 58 states and provinces,
and 75 countries...unbelievable!!! Dean W8ZF was only on site for the first
night...that left W4SVO, Myself, and Greg N3ZL to finish off the contest....I
started coughing and wheezing Saturday morning and by the time we opened up at
19z on Saturday, I had a full blown cold...took some of the cold medicine and
was history after that..slept all night Sat night...woke up at 5am (10Z) and
joined the frey then....but Mark and Greg had manned the station in an
admirable way...they had some really impressive numbers by then...we ended up
working 31 JA's and 3 UA0's...unheard of from this location ever.....and then
there was the big signals from OH8X...Unbelievable!! In the unbelievable
category was EY8MM, RA1AIP, OG2P, and other Northern EU signals that were
outstanding!! We had made some antenna improvements and they must have paid off
well...we have replaced the 1/4 wave length verticals with 3/8 verticals...next
to do is to phase and drive them in 4 directions for additional gain...also we
will be adding phased and staggered beverages in 4 directions ....This was
Greg's(N3ZL) second ever Multi effort, and he manned the multiplier station on
Friday night..he started the run at 19z and he was in the seat when the band
opened to EU just before sunset...and the boy did a great job! As always the
logs will go to LOTW and and direct qsl's go to my manager K4PK.....thanks for
such a great contest...congrats to W2GD, WE3C, K1LZ, K1TTT,W1UE, and N0XR for
using getscores.org and posting their scores for the world to see...what a
great horse race this weekend!! 73 de Rick NQ4I

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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