[3830] CQ160 CW EY8MM Single Op HP

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Sun Jan 25 23:44:20 EST 2009

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: EY8MM
Operator(s): EY8MM
Station: EY8MM

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Dushanbe
Operating Time (hrs): 

Total:  QSOs = 915  State/Prov = 29  Countries = 81  Total Score = 925,320

Club: ATCC


What a contest!

First morning I worked over 40 USA stations. Excellent condition.
First night I worked only 10 USA stations. Good condition.
Second night I worked K3ZM. Even European was weak. Poor condition.

But few moments make this contest bright and unforgettable.

No commercial power both nights. Used generator. Lost about 6 hours of darkness
and about 300 qso's (I recon).

XE1RCS was solid copy for about 2 Hours! 579 when QSO. While calling XE1 team
UP2L was very close to their frequency. When they realized I am calling Mult
they QSYed. True gentleman behavior guys! Appreciate it! Than I have been
called by Al CE1/K7CA! And only than I managed to work Mexico as a New Country
and Zone!

29 state/provinces worked. If someone tell me that before contest I would think
he is crazy. Propagation first hours of the contest made me crazy!

When I was called by C6ANM, TI4CF I almost felt down from the chair.

I spend a lot of time S&P. QRM level in EU was so high that my signal was
buried. I am too far from populated areas: 5000 km to West EU, 10,000 to US,
6000 km to JA. But I was rewarded with impressive multipliers. Few to mention
is VP9/N1NSB 599!!, KL7RA 579!!, 6W/DL2MRC, TF3CW, JW5NM, PJ2T and few
excellent Africa, Asia and Oceania mults.

First night I had good copy of many US/NA stations like W8JI, VE3EJ, VE3EY,
K9RS, V31YN but no qso.

It was great event even!

73, Nodir EY8MM

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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