[3830] IARU N1LN M/S HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Jul 12 14:28:49 PDT 2009

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: N1LN
Operator(s): EA5DFV, W0UCE, KA1ARB, NT4D, W4KAZ, AA4XX, N1YXU, N1LN
Station: N1LN

Class: M/S HP
QTH: NC-08
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:   28      0      5        1
   80:   90     16      8       15
   40:  205    144     24       39
   20:  448    647     38       50
   15:   66     36     12       12
   10:    6      7      3        1
Total:  843    850     90      118  Total Score = 991,328

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Early opinions about propagation unfortunately were proven to be quite correct. 
Decent openings to EU, or actually any place out of NA, were few and far between
from out QTH on Saturday until almost 20:00 UTC.  Yes, we did have the
occasional Q, but no runs.   That reflects big time in our overall point total.
 Our average point/QSO = 2.81.   We finally made the Q number 1000 at 0016, half
way through the contest.  Knowing that the low bands were going to be a major
QRN issue told us that the 2000 Q goal was going to be difficult to impossible.
 So, what would any good team do at that time?  Leave one person operating and
everyone else EAT.

You don't read much in these post contest comments about food, but I will make
an exception.  Chef Archie (aka: W0UCE) loves to cook and we all love to eat
his cooking.  Our dinner from Chez Jacques consisted of stuffed chicken breast
covered with ham and Provolone Cheese served in a wine sauce, sliced potatoes
and vegetables cooked on the grill, homegrown cukes and onions in an excellent
cream sauce, mixed salad, bread and red or white wine.  For desert we had a
selection of four different types of cake to chose from.   CONCLUSION:  We may
not have finished in the top of the M/S category, but we sure ate well!!

Back to the contest....

The low bands proved to be as expected.  Lots of QRN and not much for rate. 
Around 08:00 UTC 80 and 40 seemed to quite down, but too late for EU, but the
NA rates came back.  At 11:15 UTC 20 opened into EU for the final 45 minutes. 
We thought we were going to make the 1M total, but not quite.

Our gang had a great time.  We used the single radio M/S rule to our advantage
and had many great conversations.... and food!

We also greatly enjoyed having Jose (EA5DFV) being part of the team.  He
doesn't get to this side of the pond often, but when he does, there is always
an invitation and an operating position waiting for him!

1 point Qs = 672
3 point Qs = 503
5 point Qs = 517


(2) K3s, Ameritron AL1500, Ten Tec Centurion
WriteLog sw
160 mtr inverted-L at 90' / elevated radials
80 mtr vertical / elevated radials
40 mtr 2 ele at 125', 2 ele at 65'
20 mtr 4 ele at 105', 68, 35'
15 mtr 5 ele at 95', 4 ele at 65', 3 ele at 35'
10 mtr 10 ele log at 105', 4 ele at 70', 3 ele at 35'
Beverages: W - 500', NW - 750', N - 500', NE - 750', S - 450'

Bruce - N1LN

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