webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Mar 9 09:03:06 PDT 2009

                    ARRL DX Contest, SSB

Call: N4KG
Operator(s): N4KG +PACKET
Station: N4KG

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   52    45
   80:  109    64
   40:  131    73
   20:  283    98
   15:  106    47
   10:   40    14
Total:  721   341  Total Score = 737,583

Club: Alabama Contest Group


A Bad Cold (chills, low-grade fever, Post-Nasal Drip, SORE THROAT, and
multiple-triggered coughs) made this PHONE contest a Real Challenge.  Ended up
taking LOTS of Breaks / Naps Saturday and Sunday just to get through it all.

Conditions on 20,40, 80, and 160 were Excellent the First Night with Good
Propagation and Low Noise on all bands.  The Packet Pileups were a bit
'challenging' but that's what you sign up for when you enter the Assisted
Category.  When you find yourself bumping heads with all the Multi's, you know
you are chasing "Fresh Meat"!  Thank Goodness for Frequency Memories in modern

My first 10M QSO was OA4SS at 2107Z Sunday, followed by a weak QSO with LT1F. 
That was it.  Back to 20M.  My plan was to go to 40M at 2200Z to pick up many
missed multipliers in Eastern / Northern Europe.  At 2153, I finished sweeping
20M and decided to check 10 again for a possible PY multiplier.  WOW!  At
2200Z, I had 10 QSO's and several LU/PY in the log and 10 was getting hotter by
the minute.  After one hour, I finally went to 40M with 40 Q's and 14 Mults in
the 10M Log from SA, CA, and Caribbean.  My first QSO on 40 was in UA3 and I
settled into the ES5GP and SV9CVY slug-fests.  Finally snagged ES5GP as his
signal was fading with the approaching sunset and Low MUF in Northern EU.  I
saw a spot for VK3GK on 15M at 2345, turned the beam, and BINGO another mult
followed by TG9NX.  At 2354Z I switched to 20M and saw J37T spotted for my last
multiplier.  What a finish!

ALL contacts were made S&P or from Packet Spots using ONE Radio (Icom 746 with
cascaded 2.4 KHz SSB Filters) and my venerable B&W Amp.  Those 3-500's didn't
even blink when I moved all over the Low Bands without adjusting the tuners to
bring my (CW Tuned) antennas under a 2:1 SWR.  Only needed to retune (to get
full power) for the more brutal pileups on the rarer multipliers.  The Icom
Speech Compressor must have worked Very Well as I had NO Voice Power, even at
the beginning of the contest.  I was amazed that people came back with my
correct call after literally 'coughing it out'.  A TH7 at 40' and a TH6 fixed
SE at 40' produced most of the High Band Contacts.  My MonoBanders are all
damaged / broken / immobilized due to 30 years of Tree Growth.  (N4KG
Suggestion: Cut Down EVERYTHING within 40 ft of your Towers!)

Here are some statistics compiled from K5KA's CBS06 program and KG4CUY's
"Cabstat" program.

Contest:   ARRL-DX-SSB 2009
Callsign:  N4KG
Operators: N4KG + Packet
-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
0000       0      0      0     34      0      0     34     34    4.7
0100       0     18     25      0      0      0     43     77    5.9
0200      13     17      0      0      0      0     30    107    4.1
0300       0      0     35      0      0      0     35    142    4.8
0400       6     11      3      0      0      0     20    162    2.8
0500      12      3      9      0      0      0     24    186    3.3
0600       4     11      3      0      0      0     18    204    2.5
0700       2      8     10      0      0      0     20    224    2.8
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    224    0.0
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    224    0.0
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    224    0.0
1100       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    224    0.0
1200       0      3      3     40      0      0     46    270    6.3
1300       0      0      0     27      8      0     35    305    4.8
1400       0      0      0      0      1      0      1    306    0.1
1500       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    306    0.0
1600       0      0      0      0     44      0     44    350    6.1
1700       0      0      0     31      1      0     32    382    4.4
1800       0      0      0     10      4      0     14    396    1.9
1900       0      0      0      8      0      0      8    404    1.1
2000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    404    0.0
2100       0      0      0     29      7      0     36    440    5.0
2200       0      0      7     10      1      0     18    458    2.5
2300       0      0      3     13      5      0     21    479    2.9
0000       0      0      3      4      0      0      7    486    1.0
0100       0      9      1      0      0      0     10    496    1.4
0200       1      6      6      0      0      0     13    509    1.8
0300       2      0      7      0      0      0      9    518    1.2
0400       3      5      5      0      0      0     13    531    1.8
0500       4      8      0      0      0      0     12    543    1.7
0600       4      9      0      0      0      0     13    556    1.8
0700       1      0      3      0      0      0      4    560    0.6
0800       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    560    0.0
0900       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    560    0.0
1000       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    560    0.0
1100       0      1      1      0      0      0      2    562    0.3
1200       0      0      0     17      0      0     17    579    2.3
1300       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    579    0.0
1400       0      0      0      0      6      0      6    585    0.8
1500       0      0      0     22      2      0     24    609    3.3
1600       0      0      0      0      8      0      8    617    1.1
1700       0      0      0      0      0      0      0    617    0.0
1800       0      0      0      4      4      0      8    625    1.1
1900       0      0      0     16      0      0     16    641    2.2
2000       0      0      0      0      8      0      8    649    1.1
2100       0      0      0     17      1     10     28    677    3.9
2200       0      0      0      0      1     30     31    708    4.3
2300       0      0      7      1      5      0     13    721    1.8
Total     52    109    131    283    106     40    721

BAND     160    80    40    20    15    10    TOTAL
QSO'S     52   109   131   283   106    40     721
MULTS     45    64    73    98    47    14     341 

Gross QSO's=725       Dupes=4         Net QSO's=721
Unique callsigns worked = 452    Operating Time= 27 hrs

The best 60 minute rate was 62/hour from 1222 to 1321
The best 30 minute rate was 70/hour from 1226 to 1255
The best 10 minute rate was 102/hour from 1226 to 1235

The best 1 minute rates were:
 4 QSO's/minute    2 times.
 3 QSO's/minute    4 times.
 2 QSO's/minute   71 times.
 1 QSO's/minute  559 times.

There were 69 bandchanges, SO1R, ALL Search and Pounce.

Number of letters in callsigns
Letters  # worked
   3        11
   4       327
   5       223
   6       152
   7         8

Multi-band QSO's
1 bands   337
2 bands    40
3 bands    28   8P9EX AH7C   AN1A  CE4CT CW7T  DL0MB EE7E  
                ES5GP HA3NU HB9TSW HE8CXZ HG1S HI3FVA IR4M
                IR4T  J7Y   JA3YBK KH6RC KP2BH LW1DTZ PI4TUE
                PS2T  PT3T  SO8A  SP9PRO VP8KF YR9P  YV5KG

4 bands    22   9A1A  C6ANM CT1ILT CV5K  ED5T  G4BUO G5W
                HD2A  HP1WW  J88DR KH7X  LT1F  M1A   OA4SS
                OX2A  PW2P   RW2F  T46G  TM6M  VP9I  ZP0R  ZX2B

5 bands    18   4B2S  6Y1V   CS2C  CT9L  FS5KA HI3K  HI3TEJ
                HK6P  KL7RA  KP2M  PS0F  TI8M  TO2T  TO5A
                V26F  V48M   VP5H  ZY7C

6 bands     7   PJ4G  YN2NB  PJ2T  P40A  VP2E  TI5N  P49Y    

----- S i n g l e   B a n d   Q S O ' s  -----
Band    160     80     40     20     15     10
QSOs     15     39     43    185     39     16

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