[3830] Commonwealth ZL2BR Open HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Mar 16 17:33:29 PDT 2009

                    RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW

Call: ZL2BR
Operator(s): ZL2BR
Station: ZL2BR

Class: Open HP
QTH: New Plymouth NZ
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band  QSOs
   80:   65
   40:  128
   20:   60
   15:   13
   10:    1
Total:  267  Total Score = 4,595



Conditions were pretty much the same as last year.

Some good stuff:
At least 21 ZL stations were active
80m working VQ9JC, P3J, C4Z, ZC4VJ and VP8KF
20m working VY1EI and VK9AA.

Top highlight goes to the long path contact with VO1MP on 40m, which is very
unusual. Working east coast North America via LP on 20m is pretty common from
ZL, but dont think have ever worked a NA station on 40m via LP before. Even
more interesting is that this happened at 1915utc which is an hour after our
sunrise and 2 hours before VO1 sunset.

The bad stuff:
High level of local EMI noise on 40 and 80. Very frustrating not being unable
to copy all the G stations that were calling me.
As expected no African stations were heard.
First time for many years that I did not work GB5CC and only 5 weak G stations
worked on 20m.

Some signal reports:
On  40m, majority of UK stations seemed weaker than expected, best was probably
G3FPQ, followed by G3BJ and G6PZ. Nice signals from VP8KF on 3 bands. Poor
signals from all the Caribbeans, never heard J38CW, best was J88DR. 9H3JT
extremely weak. In general VK6 stations were much stronger than the other VK
stations on 40 and 20. As usual best VE on all bands was VE3EJ

QSO Summary:
Band	G	VE	VK	ZL	RoW	All	Bonuses
3.5	12	15	18	14	6	65	43
7	42	33	28	11	14	128	60
14	5	11	25	11	8	60	46
21		7	2	4		13	13
28				1		1	1
Totals	59	66	73	41	28	267	163

Rig: TS-2000, AL80B, Tribander, 40m GP, 80m Inv vee

73, Frank ZL2BR

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