[3830] Rus DX K3NQ(K3NA) SO CW HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Mar 22 06:06:45 PDT 2009

                    Russian DX Contest

Call: K3NQ
Operator(s): K3NA
Station: W1KM

Class: SO CW HP
Operating Time (hrs): 17
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Countries  Oblasts
  160:    40    0        32         6
   80:   288    0        52        30
   40:   306    0        54        19
   20:   488    0        72        47
   15:    61    0        29         2
   10:     4    0         4         0
Total:  1187    0       243       104  Total Score = 2,339,474

Club: Yankee Clipper Contest Club


Ugh: two previous nights of short sleep caught up with me -- I was a little late
for the start and crashed at hour 17.  Rusty SO2R skills did not help me either.
 But still one of my favorite contests of the year.

Date          Hour   Total  R1     R2     Running Total 
2009-03-21    12     117    117    0      117    
2009-03-21    13     71     69     2      188    
2009-03-21    14     51     42     9      239    
2009-03-21    15     59     53     6      298    
2009-03-21    16     44     38     6      342    
2009-03-21    17     88     83     5      430    
2009-03-21    18     44     30     14     474    
2009-03-21    19     57     50     7      531    
2009-03-21    20     75     74     1      606    
2009-03-21    21     83     75     8      689    
2009-03-21    22     87     84     3      776    
2009-03-21    23     78     55     23     854    
2009-03-22    0      62     6      56     916    
2009-03-22    1      84     16     68     1000   
2009-03-22    2      50     19     31     1050   
2009-03-22    3      74     12     62     1124   
2009-03-22    4      61     11     50     1185   
2009-03-22    5      2      2      0      1187   
Total         All Hours     1187   836    351    0    

Date          Hour   Total  1.8    3.5    7      14     21     28     Running
2009-03-21    12     117    0      0      0      117    0      0      117    
2009-03-21    13     71     0      0      0      69     2      0      188    
2009-03-21    14     51     0      0      0      37     14     0      239    
2009-03-21    15     59     0      0      0      41     17     1      298    
2009-03-21    16     44     0      0      0      38     6      0      342    
2009-03-21    17     88     0      0      0      83     5      0      430    
2009-03-21    18     44     0      0      0      30     11     3      474    
2009-03-21    19     57     0      0      2      50     5      0      531    
2009-03-21    20     75     0      0      64     10     1      0      606    
2009-03-21    21     83     0      0      75     8      0      0      689    
2009-03-21    22     87     0      0      84     3      0      0      776    
2009-03-21    23     78     0      21     55     2      0      0      854    
2009-03-22    0      62     6      56     0      0      0      0      916    
2009-03-22    1      84     6      68     10     0      0      0      1000   
2009-03-22    2      50     18     31     1      0      0      0      1050   
2009-03-22    3      74     0      62     12     0      0      0      1124   
2009-03-22    4      61     10     50     1      0      0      0      1185   
2009-03-22    5      2      0      0      2      0      0      0      1187   
Total         All Hours     1187   40     288    306    488    61     4      0

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