webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Mar 29 15:54:44 PDT 2009

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: DR5A
Operator(s): DL1ELY
Station: DR5A

Class: SO(A)AB HP
QTH: Neuss
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs
  160:    2
   80:  137
   40:  179
   20:  138
   15:    7
Total:  463  Prefixes = 325  Total Score = 358,800

Club: Rhein Ruhr DX Association


Well, sometimes things don't play out well. I planned for a serious 30-36h
attempt, but ended up with only 12h, from contest start to 8UT and from 14-18UT
on saturday. I had a hard and stressful week, and Murphy prevented me from
taking a nap on friday before the test by means of breaking my HEIL headset
(had to organize and fetch a new one, thanks DL1ECG), and by blowing a
not-so-easy-to-find fuse at the station where i was operating from (and where i
was not familiar with - thanks again DL1ECG and DK2CRN). Finally, i was ready
just in time for the contest start. On saturday evening, lack of sleep in the
previous days fought back, and let me feel very miserable. Contesting is still
a hobby and should bring fun (what it did up to that time!), but i was no more
motivated to continue into a second night with a big headache and aching neck
muscles. Using the wrong (but resonant!) antenna on 40m during the first 3
contest hours, giving me only 65 QSOs in 3 hours(!) before discovering the
mistake, a non-working internet-connection for the first 7 hours of the test
and fighting with radiation into the microphone on 20 and 15m also added to the
decision to stop the contest after only 12h. But i had fun with the QSOs, and at
least i participated. I hope i can submit a bigger score when QRL and private
obligations do not consume so much energy in the future. Again i learned some
things, and i also got to know my limitations.

I enjoyed 40m above 7.100, even with the BC-stns still on air on saturday, but
it was nice to work stateside without split, and even many europeans used their
new freedom up there.

Vy 73 es 55 de Stefan, DL1ELY

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