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Sun Mar 29 17:17:33 PDT 2009

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: N2RJ
Operator(s): N2RJ
Station: N2RJ

Class: SOSB20 HP
Operating Time (hrs): 26

 Band  QSOs
   20: 1053
Total: 1053  Prefixes = 610  Total Score = 1,499,380

Club: Frankford Radio Club


First off, I was *T H I S* close to 1.5m points but I lost the last hour due to
lightning/static crashes so I barely fell short. It also killed a fantastic run
to the W6/W7/JA.  The static crashes were unbearable, then I saw the lightning
flash outside and realized it was time to close up shop.  

I decided to do SB20 this year again because I felt it would give me ample rest
time while maximizing condx.  I have work on Monday so I didn't want to tire
myself out all weekend. Last year I did SB20 because my antenna was broken. 
This year my antenna is fine and I discovered some cool things I can do with
it.  The bidirectional feature of the MonstIR SteppIR was especially useful as
it allowed me to run EU and USA west coast simultaneously, as well as JA, USA
NW and South America simultaneously.  It was very useful as it helped keep my
rate up.  

Propagation wise it was pretty good.  The band stayed open until about 0230z
with it closing up about half an hour earlier on Saturday night.  I worked
quite a few JA and VK/ZL and they were coming in pretty loud here.  

Worked a few surprise Africa stations (thank you!) in Djibouti and South

My next step is to try SO2R for next year's test or maybe even for CQWW.  

N2RJ Max Rates:

2009-03-28 1212Z - 4.0 per minute  (1 minute(s)), 240 per hour
2009-03-28 1216Z - 2.1 per minute  (10 minute(s)), 126 per hour
2009-03-28 1300Z - 1.5 per minute  (60 minute(s)), 91 per hour

Not big gun rates but I am pleased with my improvement.  

See you guys in WPX CW in May!

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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