[3830] CaQP N6RNO M/MCntyExp HP

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Thu Oct 8 00:04:18 PDT 2009

                    California QSO Party

Call: N6RNO
Operator(s): N6RNO, K6MI, K6VLF, K9YC, N3ZZ, NO6X, WB6HYD
Station: N6RNO

Class: M/MCntyExp HP
QTH: Tehama
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
   80:   219   115
   40:   297   160
   20:   495   531
   15:   195   103
    2:           1
Total:  1206   910  Mults = 58  Total Score = 315,404

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Rhino arrived Wednesday and began establishing good vibes at the 
site. Jim showed up Thursday afternoon in time to get antennas 
(wires, of course) in trees for 80 and 40, and head into Red Bluff 
for a fine Chinese dinner. They returned from dinner to find NO6X, 
dragging his antenna and trailer. N3ZZ, K6MI and K6VLF were next, 
dragging another trailer, monster tri-bander, and Yaesu 7000 amp. 
ZZ brought a K3 and Honda 2000i. By dark on Friday, we had both 
tribanders and a second 40M antenna in the air and were configuring 
computers. The next morning, we chased RF noise, hooked up the 
W3NQN filter sets, and stoked up with caffeine. By 9 am we were 
ready to roar. 

We began with three stations, all K3s, plus Jim's Herc II amp and 
John's Yaesu. The two 500w stations worked 20 and 15, while the 
barefoot K3 banged away at 40M. There were even times when we had 
two stations on 20M (CW and SSB). There was some QRM, but we still 
managed to work the stronger stations through it. All went well 
until Saturday night, when we tried that on 40M and blew up the 
front end in Tom's K3. That brought us back down to the two 500W 

Our first secret weapon was Rhino's launching arm -- the 49ers 
could use him -- which enabled us to get the 80M dipole up nearly 
45 ft in the center, 20-25 ft on the ends, and the two 40M dipoles 
at 30 ft. He could have pitched them higher, but those were the 
tallest trees within reach of a reasonable run of coax!  

The second secret weapon was John, K6MI, who reprised his annual 
performance as ham chef of the year. No CQP DXpedition ate better 
than we did!  And hats off to Rhino, who scoured three counties 
finding a spectacularly good location (great HFTA profiles and zero 
RF noise before we showed up with our generators) that's only 20 
minutes from a Starbucks and good Chinese food. 


Jim K9YC
Scribe -- The Tehama Troopers

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