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Sun Oct 25 21:09:58 PDT 2009

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: 9M8Z
Operator(s): 9M6DXX
Station: 9M8Z

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Sarawak
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    0     0        0
   80:   13     7        8
   40:  796    34       85
   20: 1475    35      114
   15: 1227    33       88
   10:  336    18       42
Total: 3847   127      337  Total Score = 5,131,376

Club: Chiltern DX Club


Really weird conditions this year. 15m was unworkable for hours at a time,
especially on the Sunday, due to S9++ solar noise - a white noise that covered
the whole band. It was worst when beaming towards the sun, but that's also
where the propagation was of course. 

Another weird effect was that hours after 10m apparently died, it re-opened
again with unbelievably strong signals from Brazil (the antipodes of here) at
close to midnight.

40m was also completely unusable on the Sunday from 7040 - 7110 due to the
Chinese radar which was S9+40 (really!) over that whole band - from before my
sunset until I gave up and went to sleep at 2.00am local. Unfortunately my beam
is set for the lower part of the band and the SWR was such that it tripped the
linear if I went above about 7140. There's still lots of broadcast stations -
North Korea, Vietnam etc - audible in this part of the world between 7100 and
7200 so all in all 40m was a dead loss on the Sunday - good job I spent some
time there on the Saturday. Some decent propagation then - lots of strong
Brazilians, PJ2T, YV, CX, LU etc. - all difficult from here. Also picked up a
JW for a double mult on 40m.

20m was really poor to Europe this year - signals that should have been S9 were
at ESP level. But the North American openings were good, though short in
duration. I worked more Zone 5 on 20m this year than in any other contest from

Overall, my QSO total is well down on last year, but the score is not down too
much - I think I had more mults on 40 this year. All good fun.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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