[3830] CQWW SSB OL4A(@OK1RF/RI) M/2 HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Oct 27 02:16:00 PDT 2009

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: OL4A
Station: OK1RF/RI

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Brezina
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  277    14       63
   80: 1237    23       96
   40: 1819    36      130
   20: 2979    39      157
   15: 2075    39      154
   10:  196    26       97
Total: 8583   177      697  Total Score = 14,607,162



Second attempt of multi operation from Brezina. OK/OM party assembled there. As
before in CQWPX SSB – all the guests operated from the station first time.
Nice propagation on high bands – poor on low bands. We had several MURPHY
visits – together we have lost about 1 hour. There were reserves the most
important one - due to bad thinking during the preparation which we were
unfortunately unable to fix during the contest – second station had no access
to the receiving antennas on LF, i.e. sorry guys – mostly on 40m. 
All the participants were happy with the event and agreed to come again for the
CW leg. I do hope to FIX the biggest problem and some smaller ones too. Most
important we all had fun, we put the OK1RF/OK1RI antennas to good use on all
bands – which was not the case during last years. We did not aspired for EU
top spot, we just hoped to move up a bit an old OK M/2 record a “bit” and
have a good time, I do believe we can be satisfied with the result, we even
topped a bit in the multipliers the well known experts at OK5W, OM7M and OM8A
and we made even a few QSOs more than KC1XX, so I do believe not so bad

Thanks for a QSO and we do hope to work you all in the next contest once more.
Some data:
	160	80	40	20	15	10
AF	4	10	12	49	51	19
AS	6	36	178	390	325	29
EU	249	1006	987	1283	880	126
NA	16	185	624	1125	681	2
OC	0	1	34	105	50	9
SA	2	7	30	52	108	12

73 !
Jiri - OK1RI

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