[3830] CQWW CW P40L(@P40L/P49Y) M/S HP

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Thu Dec 2 17:11:24 PST 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: P40L
Operator(s): W6LD, KX7M, N7MH, W0YK
Station: P40L/P49Y

Class: M/S HP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 48.0

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  230    18       68
   80:  871    29      108
   40: 2266    38      138
   20: 1720    38      143
   15: 1978    36      138
   10:  761    22       65
Total: 7826   181      660  Total Score = 19,475,037

Club: Northern California Contest Club


We had a lot of fun and are very pleased to have exceeded our 2005 results by
over a million points, even though we finished the first night behind the 2005

The original plan had been to bring together our 2005 CQWW CW team again in an
effort to improve on our 2005 efforts.  Unfortunately, Rick, N6XI, had to
cancel at the last minute due to the recent death of his dad.  We were very
fortunate that Ed, W0YK, was able to jump in on short notice to round out the
team, although Rick’s presence was missed.

Conditions on the low bands were good.  On Saturday, 10 meters only opened to
the USA.  Fortunately for the overall multiplier count, it opened to Europe for
a couple of hours on Sunday.  However, it’ll take a lot more sunspots before
we’ll be able to close the gap with the 10 meter multiplier counts achieved
by the teams operating from Northern Africa and Asia.

We used Win-Test for logging due to a number of compelling features it offers,
such as the partner mode, for multi-op efforts.  We all struggled a bit early
in the contest with our relative lack of familiarity with the program, but we
made a lot of progress getting up the learning curve before and during the
contest.  We expect to be able to utilize it even more effectively in future

Outside the contest, we enjoyed dinners and visits with Alex, KU1CW (operating
as P40C) and his wife, Natashi, KU1YL, and John, W2GD (operating with his usual
call, P40W), as well as Jean-Pierre, P43A, and his wife, Christine, P43C.

Congrats to the many fine efforts in this contest, especially the terrific
results by the D4C, P33W and P3F multi-single teams.

As always, thanks for all the contacts!


John, W6LD/P40L


Rigs:  Elecraft K3s (2)
Amps:  Alpha 86, Ten-Tec Titan 425
C31XR at 43 feet
2 elements 10 meter at 55 feet
5 elements 15 meter at 55 feet
4 elements 20 meter at 68 feet
2 elements 40 meter at 76 feet
1 element 80 meter Sigma 80 at 64 feet
160 meter vertical at 67 feet
Four 500 foot beverages using K9AY switching box/preamp
Logging software:  Win-Test on four networked computers
DSL Internet for Packet


By band - All modes
QSOs (with dupes) - By time

 Hr       160        80        40        20        15        10    Total  
00                   13       163        16                           192 
01          4        22       141                                     167
02          5        26       181                                     212 
03          7       100        40                                     147 
04          6        12       142         3                           163 
05         31        13       133                                     177 
06         86        87         8                                     181 
07          6        39       137                                     182 
08          5        47        80                                     132 
09          2        26        41                                      69 
10                    1       123        34                           158 
11                             15       132        28                 175 
12                                      101        95                 196 
13                              1         5       153         3       162 
14                                      123        61         5       189 
15                                       26        18       159       203 
16                                        1       181         7       189 
17                                       72        97                 169 
18                                       53       134         8       195 
19                                        2       221         2       225 
20                                        4       190         1       195 
21                              1         3       163                 167 
22                              4       212        13                 229 
23                    1        44       150         2                 197     
00          3         1       181                                     185 
01                            160         6                           166 
02         29        56        62                                     147 
03          5       178         5                                     188 
04          1       145         2                                     148 
05         47        44         1                                      92 
06                    5       155                                     160 
07          7                 132                                     139 
08                             82         1                            83 
09                   59        25         1                            85 
10          1         3       106         5         1                 116 
11                              3       125         7                 135 
12                                      131         8         3       142 
13                                      108        50         1       159 
14                                        2       180         5       187 
15                                        1       127        60       188 
16                                        3         2       140       145 
17                                                  1       166       167 
18                                        3         2       207       212 
19                                                154        12       166 
20                              2        36       141         1       180 
21                              2       221                           223 
22                    3        13       180                           196 
23                            151         2                           153 
Total     245       881      2336      1762      2029       780      8033

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