[3830] ARRL 160 WO9S Single Op HP

Jonathan L. Rosner rosner at hep.uchicago.edu
Tue Dec 7 07:21:06 PST 2010


   Single Operator     1051 QSO points    High Power

83029 Claimed Score   515 QSOs   79 Multipliers   11:16 Hrs of Operation
                                  (73 sec., 6 DX)

ARRL AFFILIATED CLUB NAME: Society of Midwest Contesters

Rig:  Yaesu FT-990, QRO 2500-DX loafing at 500 watts
Antennas: Quarter-wave half sloper NE; NE-SW loop for RX


Part-time effort thanks to our Department Christmas party (wouldn't
miss it for all the world).  Several stations commented on our loud
signal; sorry that receiving performance didn't measure up.  Apologies
to all those I couldn't pull out of the noise.  Not a single EU was heard
above our S9 city noise, despite the loop which did offer marginal
improvement.  This will probably be our last ARRL 160 contest from this
QTH as the building housing the shack is being demolished to make way
for a big new one which will have no guarantees of room for the station.

Previous scores were 386 QSOs and 65 mults in 2009 (QRP), 525 QSOs and 72
mults in 2008 (LP), 463 Q's and 74 mults in 2007 (HP), and 532 Q's and 60
mults in 2006 (HP).

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