[3830] NAQP SSB W5WMU M/2 LP

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Sun Jan 17 21:04:03 PST 2010

                    North American QSO Party, SSB - January

Call: W5WMU
Operator(s): W5WMU, KI5XP
Station: W5WMU

Class: M/2 LP
QTH: Lafayette, La
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  179    44
   80:  521    53
   40: 1060    60
   20:  682    51
   15:  136    31
   10:    0     0
Total: 2578   239  Total Score = 616,142

Club: Louisiana Contest Club



Hats off to Bob and his team at NX5M.  What a great score.

I knew coming into the contest it was going to be tough.  Weatherman predicted
60% chance of rain for Friday night, 90% chance of rain for Saturday and 60%
for Saturday night.  Right on schedule, the static started at about 4:00 local
and lasted till nearly 7:30.  20 seemed to die way early, but rain static on
all bands didnt help.  At one point, pat had 40 over static on 40M which killed
the entire band.  

Many thanks go out to W5XZ who convinced Pat to install Beverages all over the
place.  40M, 80M, and 160M were a pleasure to work on SSB.  If I didnt hear you
out west on 80M after sundown, I apologize.  Took me a while to discover that
they truely were directional!  This is my first contest with using them, and
what a difference it makes.

Thanks to all the AZ stations that kept me up on the score of the game, sorry
guys!  Maybe hell is truely going to freeze over this year.

Thanks for all the qso's and the repeats.  The pileups on 40 were incredible! 
I did catch one guy asking if I had any ears, and the answer is yes, 2 of them.
 However they were full of at least 3 or 4 stations at a time, and the
tailenders usually got the nod.

Waiting on 10M for yall out west at NK7U!  :)


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