[3830] ARRL Jan VHF K1JT Single Op HP

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Mon Jan 25 10:57:10 PST 2010

                    ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes

Call: K1JT
Operator(s): K1JT
Station: K1JT

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  192    29
    2:  226    77
  222:   63    17
  432:   79    18
  903:   22     7
  1.2:   16     6
Total:  598   154  Total Score = 131,516

Club: Mr Airy VHF Radio Club


The January weather was benign, for once.  My 2.3G setup was dead from the
start; otherwise the station worked well.  A sticky motor-driven SP6T coax
relay at tower top caused band-switching to be slower than desired, at times. 
No smoke the whole weekend, though.  

It was a particular thrill to work 77 grids on 2 meters -- under dead band
conditions, at that.  Of these, 44 were by EME and 8 by meteor scatter.  Worked
Worked another 8 MS grids on 6m, as well. 

Essential for a man who's been doing this over a 55 year span -- I even got
nearly six hours of sleep Saturday night.  Lots of fun, as always!

   -- Joe, K1JT

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