[3830] CQ160 CW K1LT Multi-Op HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Jan 31 17:31:49 PST 2010

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: K1LT
Operator(s): K1LT, NZ8R
Station: K1LT

Class: Multi-Op HP
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 39

Total:  QSOs = 1559  State/Prov = 58  Countries = 75  Total Score = 776,587

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Many on 3830 have said that conditions during the 2010 CQ WW 160
Contest were good, but I have to disagree.  For the last many years
of solar minimum, I've been able to work Europe fairly easily at my
sunset, or even before.  Not this year, at least on Friday.  The
Europeans were loud, but they could not hear me.  Saturday, conditions
were pretty good with respect to propagation, but the QRN was
horrible.  The only time I've heard it worse was when the storms per
directly overhead.

So, even though we made 143 more "raw" QSOs (1559 Qs in 2010 versus
1416 Qs in 2009), we worked 31 fewer 10 point QSOs (323 10 point Qs in
2010 versus 354 10 point Qs in 2009).  We picked up three more
multipliers than last year, so the raw score for 2010 (771k) is
slightly higher than 2009 (757k).  Of course, scoring will greatly
reduce that raw score.

I've been trying to wean myself off the spotting network and the plan
was to operate single-op unassisted.  However, the famous K0DXC was
looking for a place to operate and I offered to run multi-op so Cal
could participate.  I also invited my "non-professional" contesting
friend NZ8R to participate as well.  However, young Cal found that he
was required to "shop" for "clothing" for some sort of "dance" event
or that his "girl-friend" would "kill" him.  So, Cal is going to start
learning the nuances of social interaction with females rather than
the nuances of gentlemanly operation on Topband.  (The quotes surround
words that are foreign to me now that I live in bachelor and
single-parent mode).  Greg could only stay Friday night.
Nevertheless, the two of us were able to keep the station on the air
for 39 of the 40 hours.

Both of us used the dual receiver scheme with the SDR phased array
antenna / receiver system in one ear and the 765 in the other.  During
European runs I pointed the phased array at Europe and used the
Beverages to optimize US callers.  After G-land sunrise, the phased
array was aimed at VK/ZL (no stations heard) and the Beverages
alternated between JA duty and US callers.

While CQing on 1819 hoping for a JA or VK/ZL caller, I chased new
multipliers and fresh meat by programming the second VFO on the 765
between CQs.  It was sort of an introduction to the work load of SO2R
operation.  (Aha!  That's what the "V" in "SO2V" must mean - VFO!).
Of course, the instant I called and received a response from some
interesting new multiplier, someone on 1819 would go "QRL? CQ CQ CQ
...".  I suppose SO2V (versus SO2R) must entail some measure of
annoyance to people who expect run frequencies to always be busy.

I worked 8 JA stations (including JA7NI 3 times - not sure why we
called so many times).  The JA opening started much earlier than
normal (about 90 minutes before sunrise) and faded away just before
sunrise.  Normally, there is a distinct peak right at sunrise.  Two of
those contacts required 10 minutes each to accumulate enough letter
and number groups to form a call sign.

There were two unexpected surprise multipliers: when VE1ZZ called in
broad daylight to offer up NB, and when OH1VR/VP9 called in broad
daylight to offer up VP9.  I was also hoping for one or two
last-minute new multiiplier surprises, but I forgot that the contest
now ends just before local sunset.  Thus the tasty, free-range
multipliers were just a little late to the party.

I was hoping to work all states in one day, but both Dakotas held out
until the second day.  On the other hand it only took about 8 hours to
accumulate the first 48 states.

Whats with all the dupes?  Doesn't anyone check before they call?
(Two or three people said "sri b4" when they realized they called
before proper information assimilation completion and those log
entries I deleted.)  Even then, out of a total of 1604 QSOs, 45 were
duplicates.  It seems like every European I called and worked the
first day called me again the second day.  Maybe I used the wrong
callsign the first day, but 97% of the first day contacts didn't call
me again, so that's probably not the problem.

I continued the "portable logging machine" experiment.  Instead of
using the laptop and Windows Remote Desktop which has an annoying
connect/disconnect transition, I used a wireless keyboard which runs
in parallel with the regular keyboard.  Then, a trip to the kitchen or
bathroom allows me to carry the portable keyboard, and "escape" the CQ
message and type a call while away from the radio, although I'm typing
blind.  I feed the audio from the radios to a Ramsey 25 milliwatt
stereo FM transmitter also listen with wireless stereo FM radio

Enough rambling.  I had 3 hours of sleep in the last 60.  Good night
and thanks for tolerating my noise and interference.

DX worked: 4X, 5B, 6W, 9A, A7, C6, CE, CM, CN, CT, CT3, CU, DL, E7,
EA, EA6, EA8, EI, ER, ES, EU, F, FG, FK, FM, G, GD, GM, GW, HA, HC,
HI, HK, I, IT9, JA, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LX, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OH0,
OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P4, PA, PJ2, PY, PY0F, S5, SM, SP, SV, T7, TF,
UA, UA2, UR, V3, VP9, XE, YL, YU, YV, Z3, and ZF.

Equipment: Icom IC-765, ETO 91B (K8ND loaner), 8 element phased array
and SDR receiver, 13 Beverages, 65 foot "T" vertical and 75 radials, 2
computers, 3 keyboards (one wireless portable), and 3 screens.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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