[3830] IOTA N4A Multi-Op LP

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Sun Jul 25 17:35:06 PDT 2010

                    IOTA Contest

Call: N4A
Operator(s): K2AV, N3ND, W4KAZ, N4YDU
Station: N4A

Class: Multi-Op LP
QTH: Core Banks, NC NA067
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  CW Qs  CW Mults  Ph Qs  Ph Mults
   80:   10        9       1       1
   40:  306       45     127      36
   20:  412       46     286      40
   15:   53       20       1       1
   10:    0        0       0       0
Total:  781      120     415      78  Total Score = 1,416,096

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Yet another fun IOTA experience! Heading into the event, the group was concerned
about the excessive heat in NC. Well, we certainly dodged it at the Core Banks
(NA067). We had a nice ocean breeze of 15 to 20 MPH both days. We even shut the
AC units off on Saturday afternoon and simply opened the doors and windows. It
was perfect, but it wasn’t too bad for comfort in July.
We set out with a goal of breaking the 1000 qso wall. In the past we got close,
but this time we pushed through and finished with 1195 QSOs and a new high total
for mults with 201 and a final score of 1,412,226.

We had hoped to have five operators this time out, but team member W0UCE
regretfully had to cancel at the last moment. He wished us well and offered
some encouraging words and it must have stuck.

K2AV came along for the first time. He recommended using a pair 56’ inverted
vees for the run station for use on 40, 20, 15 and 10. We fed them with open
wire line and ran that to the shack. W4KAZ led the way to get a 40 foot mast
up. Normally we stop at 30, but we got to 40 feet this time. The antennas
looked great and worked really well at that height. The multiplier station
antenna was an inverted vee for 80 meters used on all bands. It worked well
also. We had little difficulty breaking pileups.

N3ND commented that the biggest factors were improved propagation, antenna
improvements as well as using a pair of K3s. I think he hit on the head. The
improved propagation kept the mult station busy.

We had some spectacular runs on both CW and SSB. At times, the pile-ups were
down right nasty! I think everyone got a decent thrill operating. K2AV did an
awesome job on 40 CW, N3ND did a great job of running and picking out mults,
while W4KAZ should get a medal for toughing it out during the middle of the
night between 7-10Z! The q-rates were low, but KAZ picked up some sweet mults
during that time.

In the end, we topped the 1K qso goal and topped 1 million points. This is by
far our best score for the IOTA contest. We had a wonderful time.

On behalf of the N4A team,

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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