[3830] NAQP RTTY K8BL Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Mar 1 18:15:08 PST 2010

                    North American QSO Party, RTTY - February

Call: K8BL
Operator(s): K8BL
Station: K8BL

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:   75    39
   40:   53    30
   20:   59    24
   15:   13     7
Total:  200   100  Total Score = 20,000

Club: North Coast Contesters



Wanted to try out the built-in RTTY mode of the new IC-7700
during a Contest and grab a few more Q's I need for WAS Triple
Play.  It was kinda crazy since I don't have a Computer/Radio
interface with my antiquated Contesting Software (CT on DOS).
So, I'd make a Q and enter it manually in CT as if I was operating
the NAQP-CW Contest.  (I know, how clunky!!)  Then, I edited the
ADIF File after the Contest to show it was RTTY.  You know the
old saying ---- Whatever Works!!  Some day, I'll have to upgrade
my radio computer to Windows, get modern logging/contesting
software and interface it all to the radio for RTTY. I'm tired just
thinking about a project like that!
The new radio has a USB port for a keyboard which is nice for QSO's
and DX-chasing and S&P Contesting. Also, there are 8 memories for
storing messages that are launched from the F-keys on the keyboard.
So, I was able to run just about the entire time by merely hitting F1
and F3 where I had my Call and Exchange stored. Quite easy and fun.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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