[3830] Commonwealth GM4YXI Open-24 HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Mar 15 10:27:19 PDT 2010

                    RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW

Call: GM4YXI
Operator(s): GM4YXI
Station: GM4YXI

Class: Open-24 HP
QTH: Ellon
Operating Time (hrs): 11.75

 Band  QSOs
   80:   38
   40:   83
   20:  108
   15:   61
   10:    0
Total:  290  Total Score = 5,630



Really quite enjoyed this event. I have dabbled in this one before of course,
but never spent any proper time at it. Was a bit time restricted on Saturday
during the day especially so the full 24hr-monty was not possible, so missed a
lot on 15 and 20 I suspect, and made the grave error of not checking 10m (I
hear it opened on Sunday morning – I was trying to make some QSOs on 15m at
the time, having missed much of that on Saturday!). People were really good at
moving around the bands, which is always fun, when it works! Thanks to all who
did – 5N7M, VP8NO, 5X1NH, ZS6KR and 9H1CG amongst them.
Thought the activity from VE could have been better on Saturday evening but I
was comparing with ARRL CW which is probably unfair. Not sure what to expect.
Sunday morning had a rather noisy 80m, 40m seemed OK but 20m seemed rather

Hope I get this posting right. My ARRL SSB post seems to have gone astray!

Keith GM4YXI

Contest         : RSGB Commonwealth Contest
Callsign        : GM4YXI
Mode            : CW
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 
Locator         : IO87WJ
Operating time  : 11h43

   80    38   0  22   3     190   640 21.84 
   40    83   0  35   4     415  1260 20.18 
   20   108   1  38   3     540  1380 17.78 
   15    61   0  29   3     305   900 19.75 
   10     0   0   0   0       0     0  0.00 
TOTAL   290   1 124  13    1450  4180 19.41 
            TOTAL SCORE : 5 630

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