[3830] Commonwealth G4FKA Restricted-24 LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Fri Mar 19 08:38:32 PDT 2010

                    RSGB Commonwealth Contest, CW

Call: G4FKA
Operator(s): G4FKA
Station: G4FKA

Class: Restricted-24 LP
QTH: Bristol
Operating Time (hrs): 19

 Band  QSOs
   80:   34
   40:   51
   20:   69
   15:   42
   10:    5
Total:  201  Total Score = 4,245

Club: Bristol Contest Grp


I had planned to improve the antennas for this years event but an extended
period of working away from base meant that was not possible. So it was the
bent and bowed 30m inverted V doublet at 10m which again made the bulk of the
QSOs this year. One or two also worked on a 10m wire vertical.

Fortunately the high QRN which wrecked 14 for me last year did not make an
appearance and this, combined with much improved conditions, contributed to my
highest score to date. Main lesson learned from previous years was to make sure
I was awake at the dawn path to ZL and this proved beneficial with my first ZLs
on that band. For me the window lasted around 40 minutes. 28 also surprised us
in the UK with a Sunday morning opening to VK and this allowed a number of UK
stations to log their first VKs on that band for some years. I managed a few
along with a couple of other stations. Hopefully a sign of better things to
come on the high bands.

The contest is always a pleasure to work providing an opportunity to get some
good DX on relatively calm bands. As ever it also provided some new ones so
thanks to all the world wide travellers for those.

IC-756ProIII, 100w, Writelog and microKEYER.

Log has been uploaded to LOTW and e-QSL.

See you in the next one.

Geoff G4FKA

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