[3830] ManMin AA CW PY2ZXU(@PY2DM) SOSB/15 HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun May 16 21:16:25 PDT 2010

                    Manchester Mineira All America CW Contest

Call: PY2ZXU
Operator(s): PY2ZXU
Station: PY2DM

Class: SOSB/15 HP
QTH: Mogi das Cruzes
Operating Time (hrs): 21

 Band  QSOs  Prefixes
   15:  426     205
Total:  426     205  Total Score = 268,550

Club: Araucaria DX Group


Thanks for all QSOs, happy to be able to pull so many /QRP from the noise level,
heavy QSB made it even more difficult, but fun. Great to hear so many newcomers
to CW contesting!
PY2MTV/PX2C, Andr'e had planned to be with us, but that did unfortunately not
happen so PY2BK and myself had to do the event without him.
And finally; PY2DM, Mamiro, without you this would not have happened, big
73, Thomas, PY2ZXU

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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