webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Nov 1 14:52:05 PDT 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: FO8RZ
Operator(s): FO8RZ
Station: FO8RZ

Class: SOAB(A) HP
QTH: Tahiti
Operating Time (hrs): 40

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    3     3        3
   80:  127    14       19
   40:  314    24       32
   20:  933    35       71
   15: 1321    28       60
   10:  285    20       38
Total: 2983   124      223  Total Score = 2,916,882



Hello everybody !

My best score !

Many thanks to my wife who let me particpate to this contest. Usually, I am not
working SSB, but when you are in FO, you had to do it !
My shack is in the living-room, we had to put television in bedroom, and my
wife slept with my son in order to not hear "CQ contest ..." all the time !

Thanks also to Jack F6BEE who lent me amplifier and 5 bands spiderbeam after

My automatic "voice CQ caller" did not work on 160-80-40-20 !!! Bad preparation
Phil !!! I still can talk, but I thought I would loose my voice !!!

I lost a lot of time with calling CQ without QSO !!!  Frequencies were clear,
but I was not spotted on the cluster. Until the moment you are spotted, it is
very very very hard to make a good run.

160 m : Inverted L 36 m 
In CW it is difficult, so in SSB ...
I did not hear station from ZL or VK. I heard K3LR calling CQ but he was just
above noise. Good surprise with CE4CT.

80m : Inverted L 36 m
CR3A had a very beautiful signal and he was surpised to hear me with a good sig
also. QSO EE2W too. Had in log most the station in OC.
Tnx to JA1HGY Nao who sent me japanese band plan on 80 during the contest.
It worked very well with JA the first night, but quite nothing dring the
As usual, if no spot, nobody come.

40m : Inverted Vee 13 m high
The TV of my neighbourg does not like too much power over 100 watts !!!
I promised to let him watching TV. I just called some EU stations to get
With 100 watts, it was very difficult.
I don't like SSB because, it is very very noisy, on 40, it was awful and I made
a great effort to work on this band. Impossible to get a frequency between 7120
and 7200 and higher, there were too much broadcast. A little dispapointed about
this band.

20m : Spiderbeam 7 meters up
20 was strange with to Europe during the second evening but really difficult to
be heard by Eu at this moment. A very good opening to USA the second day.

15m : Spiderbeam 7 meters up
Good as usual with good opening to west part of EU the second morning.

10m : Sipderbeam 7 meters up
1 week ago, I was working EU stations on 10 and I was really waiting to work
them during contest. The sun decided to not work this week-end. Only poor
opening to USA with deep QSB. A good opening to Japan and eastern Asia.

Few remarks:

CONGRATULATIONS to Japanese and US stations for their very good ham spirit. I
was running big pilup and often I asked them to QRX in order to listen to even
DX. They did it ALL. The frequency became suddenly clear, I worked the DX and
went back to run just after (1-2 minutes) with heavy pilup. Really impressed by
this way of DX'ing.

Many thanks to all who called me.
Many thanks to all "exotic stations" who called me and gave me precious
FO5QB-3D3A-E51NOU-PJ...-9M8Z and lot of.

Propagation is not the same for everybody, often I heard KH2 or HC8 or ZL/VK
working EU stations and there were nothing here. As 3D2A says ... it is really
difficult to be heard in this part of the world, so if you hear us, please SPOT
us, it is really important for us.

See you during the CW part at the end of november, and don't forget:

If you hear DX from south Pacific, SPOT it !!

Best 73 from Tahiti

FO8RZ Phil

QSL via LoTW or F8BPN bureau or direct.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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