[3830] CQWW SSB W5RU(@KN5O) M/2 HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Nov 2 07:05:39 PDT 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: W5RU
Operator(s): KN5O K1DW AD5W N5HZ
Station: KN5O

Class: M/2 HP
QTH: Covington, LA
Operating Time (hrs): 42

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:   23     5       10
   80:  160    27       70
   40:  281    32       88
   20:  423    35      107
   15:  587    32      129
   10:  130    15       32
Total: 1604   146      436  Total Score = 2,563,710

Club: Louisiana Contest Club


Wanted and planned to enter the M/S category, but after review of the log and
reading and re-reading the rules, we had apparently 3 violations of the 10
minute rule.  Since we had four radios already pre-tuned to different bands,
switching between run and mult stations and not doing the proper assignments
caused the problems.  More work to do there..  But had we planned to operate
M/2, I believe our score would have been much, much better.  There was a lot to
work.  AND we did only S&P... 

This was our first operation from the new KN5O shack.. Ran out of space in the
rear master bedroom office.  Plus XYL just finished chemo 3 weeks earlier. 
(She was feeling good and was really very understanding about hosting the
operation for our team, so we planned a nice dinner outing for the XYLs this
week).  Anyway, we now have 2x/3x the operating space and plenty of cables for
more antennas, control lines and operating position communication upgrades.

Also, just the day before contest, we had completed installation of 2 of a
planned 3 phased vertical array for 80m.  I used a Comtek phasing unit, but
will eventually get the Array Solutions triangular phasing unit installed.  So
even though not optimized, our 80m results were nearly 300% better than last
years' posting.

15M was our best band for the buck.. We spent the least percentage of our time
there for the most contacts.  10M showed some life finally - worked a couple of
EU and AF stations - besides SA and Caribbean.

20M was tough for us - lots of QRM, but we did about same as last year.. 40M
seemed tougher this year.  Harder to bust pileups...  Not much to say about
160M.. With only a dipole at 70 ft., not much you can do from here except work
the US and Caribbean fairly regularly, which we did..

On behalf of our team, thanks to all who gave us Qs and Mults.. We had a good
time and look forward to SS and CQWW CW.

KN5O (Ted)

for the W5RU TEAM  -- K1DW (Dallas), AD5W (Russ), N5HZ (Jim) and KN5O (Ted)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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