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Sun Nov 28 19:02:54 PST 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: K3FIV
Operator(s): K3FIV
Station: K3FIV

Class: SOAB(A) LP
QTH: Point Arena, CA
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   80:    4     2        1
   40:    6     6        6
   20:  102    22       33
   15:  136    21       35
   10:    8     7        7
Total:  256    58       82  Total Score = 99,820

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Rig: Flex-3000, 100 watts
Antenna: 80 meter Carolina Windom @ 12 meters, all bands

A fun contest!  I think the main difference between SSB and CW contests is that
in CW there's enough room so stations don't get on top of each other.  Makes it
so much nicer.

This was a good opportunity to practice CW contesting.  Lots of stations.  I
did all S&P, experimenting with the new Skimmer-driven spots.  It seemed like
there were a lot more broken spots than usual, but still a constant supply of
stations.  Still, there were quite a few Pacific stations (ZL8X, ZK2A, etc.)
that I ran across that weren't spotted yet.  I think there may not be enough
Skimmer coverage on the West Coast to pick the weaker stations up.

I only had time in daylight hours, so it was mostly 20/15/10.  I didn't have
much luck getting through to EU, but it was novel to work two Cyprus stations
in a row.  My 100w and dipole doesn't usually get that far through the East
Coast and EU walls.  Nice to have the sun back at work.


Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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