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Mon Nov 29 05:41:38 PST 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: KR2Q
Operator(s): KR2Q
Station: KR2Q

Operating Time (hrs): 40.25

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    8     3        3
   80:   90    11       52
   40:  270    22       91
   20:  365    29       98
   15:  185    19       75
   10:   42    12       22
Total:  960    96      341  Total Score = 1,189,077



Wow...I mean WOW.  No, I really mean WOW WOW WOW!!!!

While it was certainly not like the days when 10 and 15 are the dominant bands,
these were incredible conditions.  The low bands were beyond belief...simply
fantastic.  This was FUN!

I have never received so many comments of "loud" or "strong" before (some in
disbelief?).  I just felt invincible.  Huge pileups seemed like "no problem" -
just wiggle the XIT up or down 100 or 200hz and BANG...in the log.  Amazing - 
and thanks to all those point and click guys who bury each other on the same
QRG ... works to my benefit!  :-)

Basically, I echo the comments of Doug, VA3DF.  See:


His writeup could have been mine, including the rotor issue (except my issue
was [is] outside and mechanical).

As day broke on day 2, I knew this was going to be a special contest and I
immediately re-targeted to 1 meg.  As I passed 1M, my reset to a goal was 1K
qsos.  Sadly, I missed it.  Despite my operating time being around 40 hours, I
only had 5.5 hours of sleep.  The rest was (ugh) taking care of our senile dog,
in 15 minute segments (taking him outside for a "walk" etc.). Not sure that time
would have made the difference to reach 1k Q's, but a strong "probably."  Oh
well...it's just a number.  Thankfully, the XYL was home Saturday, so "dog
duty" was limited to just Sunday.

A quick word about 10m.  I currently love/HATE this band.  It is so spotty. 
Not worth time sitting there (few Q's), but when you get a 2 minute opening,
it's a double mult.  So I'm constantly taking time to jump back to scan 10.  I
wish the sun spots would just show up already!  This band makes me CRAZY.  I
know what you're saying...set up for SO2R.  One day.

Here's a quick rundown of my CW scores (not that I keep track)  :-)

2010  1.189M (far from cycle peak...I hope)
2009    759k
2008    695k
2007    709k
2006    812k
2000  1.703M (close to cycle peak)
1995  1.158M
1990  1.248M (close to cycle peak)
1985  I was doing M/M at N2AA/K2GL for 10 years..through 1986.

So things are going in the right direction again, even if not the way we would
have thought (more activity on 10/15 due to better SFI). 

And in case you're curious, my "big" 80m antenna is a simple inverted Vee with
the apex around 60 feet.  NOT MUCH!  All praise to the propagation....and my
SUPER location.

My big (and only) disappointment of the contest was NOT working JT5DX, despite
him have a very big signal and (apparently) no callers.  He just CQ'ed my face.
 That's my best direction too. I worked many JA, zone 19s, etc, so it was with
great disbelief and sadness that I finally stopped calling and QSYed.

Elecraft K3/10

2L HB Quad at ~55 feet (tower 1)

Tribander OB11-3 @ 73 feet (tower 2)

2L 40m yagi 402CD up around 78 feet (tower 2)

New this year, full sized elevated 40m GP (about 20 feet off the ground), far
from the towers, worth 1 QSO.  :-(

1/2 wave wire on 160, part of which is laying on the roof of the house and the
center feedpoint is at maybe 45 feet high.  Yeah...it shows in the lack of top
band results.

Op: still crazy after all these years (decades)

de Doug KR2Q

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