webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Nov 30 03:42:21 PST 2010

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Call: DK6XZ
Operator(s): E77XZ
Station: DL0MB

Class: SOAB(A) HP
QTH: Rastatt, S/W Germany
Operating Time (hrs): 44

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:  120    12       61
   80:  374    20       87
   40:  873    37      125
   20:  942    38      124
   15:  748    38      140
   10:   95    18       58
Total: 3152   163      595  Total Score = 5,267,342

Club: Bavarian Contest Club


Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign        : DK6XZ
Mode            : CW
Category        : Single Operator - Assisted (SOA)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 14
Locator         : 
Operating time  : 43h50

  160   120  12  61   3     170  1.42 
   80   374  20  87   2     685  1.83 
   40   873  37 125  25    1976  2.26 
   20   942  38 124  10    2114  2.24 
   15   748  38 140   5    1831  2.45 
   10    95  18  58   1     173  1.82 
TOTAL  3152 163 595  46    6949  2.20 
       TOTAL SCORE : 5 267 342

Operator        : E77XZ @ DL0MB

Thank you all for the nice big CW party! I have entered a SOAB category for the

very first time in CQ WW and tried to gain score over DX and DXCC. Scored not 
that bad at the end, since I knew, without SO2R it would be more than a hard
job to compete for any top. Still, the number of multipliers worked is more
than well. It was fun to collect them, sometimes with just a quick jump to the
other bands ( manual switched antennas and the PA ) and back to the run! Never
got some hoped rates. Finaly, the 15z each days effected two top ones, 153 and
137 Q/h. The other highlights were the opening to SA/CRB on 10m Sunday evening
( resulting in +25 mpl ) and the 5H3EE as a double multi on 80m, worked just in

the last minute of the contest. DXing was making the actual fun, as running was

too slow.

Maybe 40m and 80m should have gained more points and multies; but I was sleepy

on Sunday morning - after a horible business week: I took nap ( 3h :-) ) to the

US prime time at low bands! Another low time was repeatedly losed electricity (

fuse ) and due system reloading ( PC/PA warming up ) at Saturday evening. Some

unidentified intereference trough use of 160m antenna ( snow? ) happened. Spent

an hour to fix it. Was almost about to quit the serious effort, but finally 
succeeded to bring the 160m somehow working.

FT-1000MP is still the best TRX! It played very well with 2 x tribanders ( KLM

KT34 @37m and Optibeam OB16-3 @18m ), 4L for 40m ( Optibeam OB4-40 @33m ) and 2

x inverted "L" for 80/160. Thanks to my DL0MB club fellows for letting me use 
the station. Thanks also to RBN and WT, great tools!

Congratulations to Irina, DL8DYL, she did a nice job from DR1A. The survivals
of ZL8X are hopefully all well and have also produced a good score for Bavarian
Contest Club as well - there, from the other side of the earthball.

See you in the pileups.

73 Suad, DK6XZ 

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