[3830] NyQP K5LH SOCW LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sat Oct 16 20:51:48 PDT 2010

                    New York QSO Party

Call: K5LH
Operator(s): K5LH
Station: K5LH

Class: SOCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    0     0       0
   80:    5     0       0
   40:   13     0       0
   20:   48     0       0
   15:   16     0       0
   10:    0     0       0
    6:    0     0       0
    2:    0     0       0
  222:    0     0       0
  432:    0     0       0
Total:   82     0       0  Mults = 40  Total Score = 6,560



Split effort between WAG, IAQP and NYQP.  CW only.  Poor condx on lower bands. 
Thanks to mobiles: (N2TA (6), N2CU (6), W2PV (6), K2ZR (4), WJ2O (4), W2LC (3),
WB2ABD (2).  RTTY QRM bad on 40m. Weak sigs on 80m.

Rig: Omni V (90 W), wire dipoles, Aetherlog for Mac.

Chris, K5LH

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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