[3830] NyQP N2CU MobileMixed LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Oct 17 05:54:49 PDT 2010

                    New York QSO Party

Call: N2CU
Operator(s): N2CU
Station: N2CU

Class: MobileMixed LP
QTH: 8 counties
Operating Time (hrs): 7.75

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:   76      8      0
   40:  134     34      0
   20:  101      0      0
   15:    9      0      0
Total:  320     42      0  Mults = 72  Total Score = 49,104

Club: Western NY DX Association


My second mobile operation (first was last week in the PAQP). This time I had a
driver (my XYL) for part of the operation. We were driving out to SUNY Oswego
to visit my son and the XYL wanted to leave at 1300 UTC. This meant not being
able to activate my home county (ERI). So I started the contest in GEN with
high hopes. As I worked my way along I-90 I realized the value of having a
screwdriver type antenna. Several times I was asked to QSY to 15m and I had the
40m and 20m hamsticks mounted. Changing sticks at 70 MPH is tough to do. 

I operated from the back seat with my K3 on the folded down front seat. This
was a pretty good setup and with N1MM being able to control the radio tuning
and RIT, I seldom had to touch the radio. SSB while in motion was impossible
with road noise and the stereo keeping the XYL happy. 

After arriving in Oswego, I went solo for a couple hours activating three
counties. I tried digital modes but heard no activity. Then it was several
hours off as I watched my son play lacrosse in a charity event and then visit
for a while. I did another solo run, activating ONO. 

We left for home around 7:30PM local and my driver wasn't keen on driving at
night on the I-90 so we decided to take a different route. The drive turned out
to be very nerve wracking and after an hour or so we pulled over and I shut down
the rig and took over driving. I missed the last hour of the contest which was
probably just as well. My planned route never came to pass as the delays and
socializing didn't leave enough time.

Congrats to the W2PV team on a great mobile score and to WA3HAE who worked all
but three counties.

I was amazed at how well the antennas worked on CW but SSB was another story. I
would call and call loud stations on 75 and 40m and they would continue to CQ in
my face. Working stations on CW was no problem as evidenced by the number of DX
that called including Europe on 40m. One thing I would like to have in the
rules is a mobile window. We have it hard enough as it is without home KW
stations taking over our frequency. A number of CQs on PSK31 produced nothing
and RTTY was congested with JARTS. I think the 80m stick needs repair. The SWR
was changing wildly as we were in motion, causing the power output to flucuate
between 50-100W. When still, it was fine.

A great event and thanks to the RDXA for getting it and keeping it going. I
sure would like to see more out-of-state activity as there are plenty of NY
stations to work.

K3/100, off-brand hamsticks, GHE Radio Boss USB, N1MM logger, 2008 Pontiac
Torrent, Pepsi and sandwiches.

Tom N2CU/m <><
K3 #3582

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