[3830] NyQP K8MR SOMixed LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Oct 17 19:19:46 PDT 2010

                    New York QSO Party

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR

Class: SOMixed LP
QTH: Ohio
Operating Time (hrs): 3

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
  160:    6      0       
   80:   26     15       
   40:   42     32       
Total:   74     47      0  Mults = 44  Total Score = 8,580

Club: Mad River Radio Club


I was considering a multi purpose trip - bike riding and NY QSO Party mobile
(two distinct things!), but the weather was not good for the former so stayed
home and played between other things.

When I worked W0ZQ in HAM I said wow, he came all the way from MN to do the
NYQP! Then a few moments later I heard some other zero in IA and then the
reality hit me. It's too bad the folks from the two states had not worked out
an easy way to work/log both contests (for other than users of NO5W's CQx
software). I worked a few guys in IA, but would have worked more if I had a way
to do both contests.

Anyway, good activity from NY state in their second year. Some year I may yet
get up there for some action.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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