[3830] Rus RTTY W0YK SOAB HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sat Sep 4 17:35:30 PDT 2010

                    Russian RTTY WW Contest

Call: W0YK
Operator(s): W0YK
Station: W0YK

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 17:13
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Pts   Mults
   80:   19   165     4
   40:  152  1000    32
   20:  456  3300    76
   15:  168  1230    31
   10:    1    10     1
Total:  796  5705   144  Total Score = 821,520

Club: Loma Prieta Contest Club


Better conditions than I expected, but still pretty slow.  20 was open to Europe
nearly the whole period.  40 was open to Europe until after their sunrise.  The
biggest surprise was having 2 solid hours (15-17z) open to Europe on 15.  Mults
from all across the continent were often stronger than stateside signals.  13
JAs made it into the log on 3525.  At least four stations were worked on four
bands (W7OM, JA7IC, 7N2UQC, JA2KCY) and lots on three banders.  I was so
stunned at the 15 meter European opening that I forgot to check 10 during that
time.  Even after the main 15 meter opening, a few Europeans and TR8CA
continued to call in up until after 21Z.

My primary goal was to wring out WriteLog 10.80b Beta with the new K3 driver. 
It was pretty solid, though I found a few bugs and small requests.  The
greatest enhancements are the call sign stack and the %P1 parameter which now
grabs the last call on the band, rather than the last call in the log.  The
call sign stack is so much more efficient now with being able to push calls on
the bottom with a right-click and have them pop out the top into the Entry
window when the prior QSO is logged.

The Elecraft P3 Panadapters were wonderful for queuing up stations with the
second VFO of each radio while running.  I forgot to check the rules, but I
suspect that Packet is allowed in this contest and I could have had it driving
my bandmaps.  But, I think I had more fun IDing the signals on the waterfalls
myself than I would have pouncing on Packet entries.

Thanks for all the QSYs!  There were many and very appreciated.  Some of you
are really fast, too.  Just minutes before the start I imported my CQ WW
messages and modified them for this contest ... but not thoroughly enough. 
After a few minutes I was being asked what zone (9 or 3) and call sign (P49X or
W0YK).  The first four QSOs got sent zone 9 before I woke up and edited the
messages.  Thanks for everyone's patience and sense of humor.

I've never done this contest before and it is a perfect warmup for CQ WW RTTY. 
I look forward seeing you again in three weeks, either from P4 or W6 depending
on harvest timing.

Ed - W0YK

QSO/Mul by hour and band

 Hour      80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z  --+--   --+--   44/10    8/4    --+--   52/14     52/14  
D1-0100Z    -       -     39/3     3/1      -     42/4      94/18  
D1-0200Z    -     10/5    29/5     2/1      -     41/11    135/29  
D1-0300Z    -     40/7    27/8      -       -     67/15    202/44     35
D1-0400Z    -     42/3    20/9      -       -     62/12    264/56  
D1-0500Z    -     26/9    12/5      -       -     38/14    302/70  
D1-0600Z    -       -      3/1      -       -      3/1     305/71     49
D1-0700Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     305/71     60
D1-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0     305/71     60
D1-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     305/71     60
D1-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0     305/71     60
D1-1100Z    -     10/4      -       -       -     10/4     315/75     49
D1-1200Z  17/4    14/2      -       -       -     31/6     346/81  
D1-1300Z   2/0     6/2     9/5      -       -     17/7     363/88  
D1-1400Z    -      4/0    68/15   18/1      -     90/16    453/104 
D1-1500Z    -       -     50/6    42/9      -     92/15    545/119 
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   15/2    26/3    --+--   41/5     586/124 
D1-1700Z    -       -     24/1    23/4      -     47/5     633/129 
D1-1800Z    -       -     12/1     6/3     1/1    19/5     652/134 
D1-1900Z    -       -     12/0     1/1      -     13/1     665/135    36
D1-2000Z    -       -     21/0     3/0      -     24/0     689/135 
D1-2100Z    -       -     28/1    13/3      -     41/4     730/139 
D1-2200Z    -       -     20/1    16/1      -     36/2     766/141 
D1-2300Z    -       -     23/3     7/0      -     30/3     796/144 

Total:    19/4   152/32  456/76  168/31    1/1  

Pts by hour and band.

             80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total   Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z    ---+-   ---+-    290      60    ---+-     350    350
D1-0100Z       -       -     220      20       -      240    590
D1-0200Z       -      65     175      15       -      255    845
D1-0300Z       -     230     195       -       -      425   1270     35
D1-0400Z       -     245     175       -       -      420   1690
D1-0500Z       -     195     105       -       -      300   1990
D1-0600Z       -       -      30       -       -       30   2020     49
D1-0700Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   2020     60
D1-0800Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-       0   2020     60
D1-0900Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   2020     60
D1-1000Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   2020     60
D1-1100Z       -      75       -       -       -       75   2095     49
D1-1200Z     150     105       -       -       -      255   2350
D1-1300Z      15      55      70       -       -      140   2490
D1-1400Z       -      30     550      95       -      675   3165
D1-1500Z       -       -     390     320       -      710   3875
D1-1600Z    ---+-   ---+-    120     180    ---+-     300   4175
D1-1700Z       -       -     160     145       -      305   4480
D1-1800Z       -       -      85      40      10      135   4615
D1-1900Z       -       -      65       5       -       70   4685     36
D1-2000Z       -       -     150      25       -      175   4860
D1-2100Z       -       -     215     115       -      330   5190
D1-2200Z       -       -     140     150       -      290   5480
D1-2300Z       -       -     165      60       -      225   5705

Total:       165    1000    3300    1230      10 

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    NA       5    104    252     90      0     451    56.7
    AS      13     16     44     29      0     102    12.8
    OC       1      3      6      5      0      15     1.9
    EU       0     26    151     36      0     213    26.8
    SA       0      2      2      6      1      11     1.4
    AF       0      1      1      2      0       4     0.5

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total

    4L                     1                     1
    4X                     1                     1
    6W                            1              1
    9A                            1              1
    BY                     1                     1
    CE                            2              2
   CE9              1      1                     2
    CM              1      2      1              4
    DL              2     16      8             26
    EA              3      3      4             10
   EA8                     1                     1
    ER                     1                     1
    ES              1      3                     4
     F              1      2      1              4
    FM                     1                     1
    FO              1      1      1              3
     G              1      4      3              8
    GM                     1                     1
    HA                     3      1              4
    HB                     3                     3
    HI                            1              1
    HL              3      2                     5
     I              5     15      4             24
    IS                            1              1
    JA      13     12     22     27             74
     K       4     92    222     83            401
   KH6                     2      2              4
    KL              1      4                     5
    LA              1      1                     2
    LU                            2      1       3
    LY              1      1                     2
    LZ              1                            1
    OE                     1                     1
    OH              1     13      1             15
    OK                     3      1              4
    OM                     1                     1
    ON                     3      2              5
    OZ              1      2                     3
    PA              1     12      6             19
    PY                            2              2
    S5                     5                     5
    SM                     3                     3
    SP              1      3      1              5
    TR              1             1              2
    UA              1     35                    36
   UA2                     2                     2
   UA9              1     13      2             16
    UN                     3                     3
    UR              3      6                     9
    VE       1      9     22      5             37
    VK       1      2      3      1              7
    XE              1      1                     2
    YL                     1                     1
    YO              2      5      1              8
    YU                     2                     2
    YV              1                            1
    Z3                     1      1              2
   ZC4                     1                     1
    ZL                            1              1
    ZP                     1                     1

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