[3830] GaQP DL/W1NN(@DF0UK) Single OpCW LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Mon Apr 11 10:19:31 PDT 2011

                    Georgia QSO Party

Call: DL/W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: DF0UK

Class: Single OpCW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 2

 Band  CW-Dig Qs  Ph Qs
   20:     33        
Total:     33       0  CW-Dig Mults = 31  Ph Mults = 0  Total Score = 2,046

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Fun to experience a QSO party from the other side of the Atlantic.  Too bad I
couldn't put in a full effort. I was mostly operating the EU Sprint but I did
chase a couple of GA stations during that contest and then spent another two
hours or so between 10 PM and 12 PM after the Sprint trying to get through the
pileups on the GA boys.  

Mobile sigs were pretty good and at times excellent while I was on. Since I was
able to get through most pileups quickly, I assume that skip was pretty long in
the US and that we Europeans were pretty loud. 

This event doesn't begin until 8 PM local in central Europe on the first day
and if you want to put in a real effort, you need to stay up most of the night,
especially if you want to follow the guys when they QSY to 40 and then later to
80.  When operating as a mobile in the various US QSO parties I have worked
many Europeans on 40 and sometimes even on 80 when it's 3-4 AM their time.  You
have to be pretty devoted to put in that kind of effort.  But it must be a fun
challenge and I can see why they do it.

Thanks to the members of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology club station and
especially to DK9IP for assisting me to use the station.

73,  Hal W1NN

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