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Fri Apr 15 20:27:10 PDT 2011

                    CQWW WPX Contest, SSB

Call: KK9A
Operator(s): KK9A
Station: KK9A

Class: SOSB20 HP
QTH: North Carolina
Operating Time (hrs): 36

 Band  QSOs
   20: 2620
Total: 2620  Prefixes = 1110  Total Score = 6,900,000



WPX Phone is always a fun contest and I really looked forward to operating on
20m this year.  Unfortunately, the weatherman predicted storms for the entire
weekend.  Of course the weather had been beautiful for weeks prior and it was
even a sunny 80 degree day just before the start.  Radio conditions were
fantastic when the contest began.  After the first hour I had worked 152
stations and in the second hour I worked another 113.  Rates then dropped
significantly but I kept going late into the night knowing that any
thunderstorms later in the weekend may force an unexpected shut down.   As it
turns out, my first hour was my quickest of the contest and my fastest ten
minute period (198/ hour rate) occurred during the first ten minutes.  I worked
my 20m rival W7WA 3 ½ hours into it and he was already 185 QSOs ahead of me â€"
great job Dan!   When I woke up Saturday morning the band was already open into
Europe so I quickly put on the headphones and logged stations.  I ran Europe
for a few hours and then the rates came to a halt during the late morning, when
everyone apparently moved to 15m.  Around mid-afternoon, 20m again become
productive with a fantastic opening into Europe.  Unfortunately around this
time the rain storms were causing a lot of QRN, especially on my top antenna. 
20m also became very crowded making running stations even more challenging. 
After this good European run, I shut down due to rain static and got a good
night’s rest.  With the 70% thunderstorm prediction for Sunday I went to bed
just hoping that I would be able to operate the remainder of the contest. 
Sunday was indeed gloomy all day, but the storms stayed away until it was over.
 Sunday happened to be my birthday and it was most enjoyable spending this
special day operating the WPX Phone contest!  I put in a very strong finish not
leaving my operating chair once during the last seven hours.  When it was over,
I had one of my highest scores ever in this category and I likely broke the
regional record.  Thanks to everyone for the QSOs.  Please QSL via WD9DZV.

John KK9A aka P40A

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