[3830] 2011 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 25Apr2011

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Mon Apr 25 06:51:43 PDT 2011

2011 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 25Apr2011

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: May 24, 2011
E-mail logs to: sprtty at pzk.org.pl
Mail logs to:
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt  Cont   hr      Score Club
RG9A              1624 15412   296     6    24 27,371,712 SUCC
UP7P(UN7PBY)      1327 12584   266     6    24 20,084,064 Temirtau Contest Clu
RD3A              1328  8435   266     6    24 13,462,260 
UN7ZL(@UN1L)      1030  9763     0     6    23 12,236,532 
R9CB               650  6047   159     6    18  5,768,838 
AA3B               619  4946   146     6    11  4,332,696 FRC
GM0FGI             581  3365   161     6    17  3,250,590 GMDX Group
W1BYH              412  3013   137     6        2,476,686 CTRI
ON4QX              319  2122   100     6 07.25  1,464,180 
VA1CHP             328  2776    84     5        1,448,720 MCC

K4GMH              288  2396    84     5     4  1,006,320 PVRC
VA2UP              250  1842    83     6     3    917,316 Contest Group du Que
AL9A               333  2685    51     6 10:56    821,610 
DL4ME              300  1608   111     4   6.0    713,952 RR DX
OH8A(OH8WW)        950  5984   192     6    19    689,356 
VY2LI              168    81  1428     5   5.5    578,340 MCC
N0KE               237  1525    54     6     8    494,100 Grand Mesa
N2KI               227  1575    78     4     6    491,400 Hudson Valley Contes
F5CQ               151  1019    78     6  3:50    476,892 
K0PK               277  1630    64     4    13    417,280 MWA

NB4M               121     0     0     0          363,936 TCG
AD4EB              150  1043    60     5     3    312,900 TCG
OK2SFP             174   914    78     3  3:30    213,876 
K9QC               120   861    45     4     4    154,980 MWA
K4MGE              105   753    41     4     4    123,492 
W1TO                69   541     6     5           86,560 YCCC
VA7ST              111   716    27     4   3.5     77,328 
K4HAL               76   558    35     3   1.5     58,590 ACG
W6SX               181   575    23     4           52,900 NCCC
KH6GMP             101   384    17     4    24     26,112 

W6WRT               61   180    11     4  1:38      7,920 
K7HP                12    68     9     5   1.5      3,060 Arizona Outlaws Cont

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt  Cont   hr      Score Club
HA0ML              540  3376   155     6        3,139,680 
UA4ALI             553  3034   149     6    17  2,603,172 
H2E(DAVE)          341  3302   119     4    7+  1,518,920 
GU0SUP             303  1890   119     6        1,349,460 Chiltern DX Club
DL1ZBO             317  1769   108     5  9:48    955,260 DRCG
F6FNL              288  1661    94     4          624,536 
UR5IFX             210  1196   101     5     6    603,980 Ukrainian Contest Cl
OH8TV              233  1214    89     3  9.56    327,780 OHDXF
N2WN               157  1158    57     4          264,024 TCG
K2DSL              146   768    52     5          199,680 Bergen Amateur Radio

VE3AJ              107   790    44     5          173,800 CCO
WB8JUI             103   533    37     5   3.2     98,605 
KE4KWE             103   663    31     3   3.5     61,659 ACG
TF3PPN             133   815    25     3     3     61,125 
K0KX                53   449    36     4     2     57,472 MWA
W0RAA              106    17   320     6  4:45     32,640 Grand Mesa
AA5VU               38   181    16     4    PT     11,584 CTDXCC
HL5YI               24   187    15     4   6hr     11,220 
HB9SVT              40    24     2     2            9,696 DRCG
W5JBO               12    73    10     3   :30      2,920 

AA8IA               15    84    10     3  0:41      2,520 MRRC
KB4KBS              13    54     7     2   1HR        756 SECC

Call                 Qs   Pts   Mlt  Cont   hr      Score Club
NZ4O                50   390     3     4     3     68,250 


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