[3830] NCCC Sprint N6ZFO LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Thu Apr 28 20:35:58 PDT 2011

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - Apr 29

Call: N6ZFO
Operator(s): N6ZFO
Station: N6ZFO

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): .50

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   4      3
   80:   8      6
   40:  21     17
   20:  17     13
Total:  50     39  Total Score = 1,950

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Ok, No QLF's with flying wine tonight, so made 50 Q's after years of trying. 
Feels great. . now for 2000 points.  Tks to all for the many Q's. had hoped for
4 banders tonight, but no good.  N6RO attributes the 50 Q success to the
pre-contest glass of Dubonnet, but may also have been the home made Bruschetta.
 With one exception, a dropped QSO with K6UFO on 40m (Not counted) all Q's were
absolutely clean and unambiguous.

Wine award announcement to come shortly  (from KE3X) and score updates
hopefully tomorrow as I recover from a virus and savor the pre-emptive
discharge from jury duty this afternoon. 

Looking forward to eyeball QSO with NS'r Bob K6NV and his XYL next week on
their return from OR. . .. interesting that we had no ham visitors in three
years, then three in three weeks (K6VVA, KI7Y and hopefully K6NV)

Till next week,

73 Bill n6zfo

73 Bill n6zfo

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