[3830] 2011 XE RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 11Feb2011

n7wa at arrl.net n7wa at arrl.net
Fri Feb 11 07:29:48 PST 2011

2011 XE RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 11Feb2011

NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.

Submit logs by: Mar 6, 2011
E-mail logs to: xe3rr at prodigy.net.mx
Mail logs to:
Daniel Baraggia, XE3RR
Concursos FMRE
Calle Meteoro 5 Mza. 4 Lote 5 S.M. 47
Residencial La Herradura
Cancun, Q.Roo 77505
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://conteststations.com/

73 dink

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
W4UH               663  1660   129  18.5    214,140 FCG
OH8A(OH8WW)        408  1210   109    16    133,100 
K4FX               436  1105    91 20.00    100,555 
S53M(S51FB)        332   997    93 09:48     92,721 SCC
IC8TEM             220   654    83 8h27m     54,282 
W1BYH              250   636    68     9     43,248 CTRI
K0KX               234   626    50     6     31,300 MWA
N2BJ               254   634    47     8     29,798 SMC
AA4YL(@W4HOD)      223   544    54    17     29,376 ACG
WB2RHM             179   466    62  10.5     28,892 Mecklenburg ARS

K7IA               189   467    44  8:01     20,548 
W6WRT              227   541    36  5:24     19,476 
DJ3IW              111   335    58  3:26     19,430 DRCG
F5CQ                98   300    43     4     12,900 
K4HAL              144   348    33     3     11,484 ACG
DL4ME               89   265    42           11,130 RR DX
AJ1E               110   261    25   4.5      6,525 YCCC
W5AP                86   216    28     3      6,048 
NB4M                72   185    29            5,365 TCG
N6HE               120   279    19     8      5,301 SCCC

W6SX               144   326    14            4,564 NCCC
WV0T               114   265    16     4      4,240 Dog Hollow Contest G
KL5DX(@KL7AA)      112   343    12     7      4,116 Alaska Contest Club
AA8LL               48   129    22            2,838 SWODXA
N0KQ                57   138    16     4      2,208 Grand Mesa
KH6GMP              54   166    11    24      1,826 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
CT1AOZ             307   924   113          104,412 
LY5W(@LY3V)        281   839    93    16     78,027 Vytautas Magnus Univ
EA8OM              268   809    84     8     67,956 DRCG
AB4SF              181   481    66     9     31,746 
DL1ZBO             148   440    72  5:02     31,680 DRCG
W4UEF              204   491    45    11     22,095 
TM45RY(F6FNL)      141   423    52           21,996 
KA2D               150   410    44     4     18,040 OBONY
WN6K               274   644    26    14     16,744 SCCC
K2DSL              155   377    44           16,588 Bergen Amateur Radio

KS0M               120   299    36     8     10,764 
WB5TUF             150   345    29           10,005 TDXS
KD5J               130   296    17            5,032 
VY2LI               62   187    24            4,488 MCC
VE7FCO              43  4120    40     6      4,120 Nanaimo Amateur Radi
N1JM                83   202    20            4,040 
VA7ST               90   275    14     4      3,850 
AD5LU               92   211    18            3,798 
K1GU                57   146    21   1.6      3,066 TCG
YT8A(YU1EA)         37  1500    10            2,442 

UZ7HO               37   111    20     3      2,220 WWYC
F5RD                43   130    16            2,080 
KB4KBS              37    88    12   3.5      1,056 SECC
K2SI                21    62    13     1        806 Rochester Amateur Ra

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
NX0I               193   459    37 10 Hr     16,983 
W5JBO               39    86     7     1        602 

Call               QSOs   Pts Mults   hr      Score Club
ZC4LI(STEVE)       473  1419   136    16    192,934 
K4GMH              579  1543   125    10    192,875 PVRC
LZ8E(LZ2BE)        413  1242   120     9    149,040 
W3FV               357   954    85    10     81,090 FRC
AD4EB              250   641    64     5     41,024 TCG
W7WW               363   840    47    10     39,856 Arizona Outlaws Cont
W4PK               235   620    58   6.2     35,960 PVRC
NG7Z               176   408    22     3      9,792 WWDXC
YU1AST              84    26   246     4      6,396 YU CC
OH2BP(OH0BP)         7     7     3     1        278 CCF

YU1AST       YT2T,YU2A

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