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Mon Feb 14 09:54:52 PST 2011

                    CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest

Call: P49X
Operator(s): W0YK
Station: P40L/P49Y

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Aruba
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs
   80:  543
   40: 1042
   20: 1035
   15:  989
   10:    2
Total: 3611  Prefixes = 895  Total Score = 13,890,400

Club: Northern California Contest Club


Another fun weekend on the radio!  Thanks to the thousands of operators who
participated in CQ WPX RTTY, few of which will be reading this report.  As
I’ve noted many times, the casual non-contest operators that fill our logs
are the backbone of success in any contest and this one is no exception.

And, then, there was the sun with its obstacle course of solar activity that
kept us changing our operation plans, especially single-ops optimizing their
30-hour score.  Saturday night between 01-03z here in Aruba, both 80 and 40
exhibited a temporary short-term blackout followed by a period of extraordinary
propagation.  The signal levels from Europe were the strongest and clearest
I’ve heard them.  80 meters sounded like a good 15-meter day which was
uncanny.  Sunday morning repeated the same thing in a couple of on-again,
off-again cycles on 15 and 20 meters.  At 1746z, I took an unplanned one-hour
break when both 20 and 15 were completely dead.  My 120/hour runs on 15 and 20
went to zero in less than five minutes.  Prior experience with these
disturbances indicated that it would be short-lived, maybe 20-40 minutes.  So,
would that be the case this time?  Or, would it be longer or shorter?  Would
the contest period end before I got my 30 hours in?!  Interestingly, 10 meters
continued limping along with its few South American and occasional US stations,
seemingly unaffected.  Many have reported great conditions, but they seemed
about the same as 2010 from here, except for the three temporary
black-out/extraordinary periods this weekend.

My third SO3R radio was on 10 meters all weekend with a bandscope and
Packet-fed bandmap for monitoring activity.  There were openings and light
activity mid-day, at least into North America, but not enough participants to
warrant spending any time there.  My two 10m QSOs resulted from moving P43A to
10 at 8:39pm local time from 40/80 and having a new LU prefix call me on the
first CQ.

I came into the weekend expecting to fall short of last year’s personal best
in this contest, which was a high bar to strive for again.  I usually start on
80 and 40, but looking at past logs, the rate on 80 is nothing for the first
couple hours, probably because everyone is on the higher bands.  So, this year
I decided to start on 20 (and 40) to see what difference it made.  Well, the
20m rate was outstanding, with strong signals from Europe much longer than I
expected and I stayed until the rate dropped at 0240z.

Compared to my hourly and cumulative statistics from last year, the QSO rate
was much higher but the point rate was way down.  It looked like a bad decision
to start on 20 when 80 was open.  Then, some rough mental calculations showed
that my points seemed incorrectly low.  From Aruba, 99+% of QSOs are
three-pointers.  Watching the point total go up only 2 (or 4) points for US
contacts and 3 (or 6) points for European contacts confirmed my suspicion. 
WriteLog was scoring as though I were operating in North America.  Until my
first break, then, I had the additional task of mental arithmetic to track how
I was doing.  I put a note out on the WriteLog reflector about a “bug” and
W5GN replied that I should check a configuration file statement.  Telling
WriteLog that I was in Aruba instantly corrected the scoring, but I didn’t
get this figured out until Sunday.

Once I got my real-time statistics corrected in my head, I went from bummed out
to ecstatic because Friday night was significantly ahead of 2010.  Besides the
sheer fun of just operating the contest, I was jazzed with such a head start on
the Qs, points and prefixes.  I was almost 800 QSO points up but that eroded to
only 350 by 2000z Saturday.  The rate was good on 15 and 20 but below last
year, mainly on 15.  Then, the first “gray-out” period occurred on 80 and
40 Saturday night where the signals nearly disappeared in the noise between
01-03z, followed by tremendous low-band conditions.  When the rate dropped at
07z Saturday, I took my long early morning break and was now 170 QSO points
behind last year.  Shucks!

Sunday, after a short rest and some breakfast for renewed energy, I endeavored
to make up the deficit, despite what the solar activity might have in store for
us.  There were a couple of gray-out cycles and then the lights went out at
1745z.  Both 15 ad 20 were dead.  It was unreal to tune across both bands and
hear nothing but white noise!  Just minutes prior, both bands were wall-to-wall
signals.  I guessed that this would be temporary, but one never knows and I
still had a couple hours left for my 30-hour score.  My dilemma then was
whether to start back up when the band came back, or to take a full 60-minute
break and hope that the bands stayed open, and strongly so, for another two
hours before 00z Monday.  I opted for the hour break and that turned out to be
perfect as the bands did come back and got heated up great before I dove in

I was intensely focused on my QSO point total and prefixes for all of Sunday. 
I wanted to make up the shortfall compared to 2010.  I just barely squeaked out
yet another personal best, at least in claimed score.  At 30 hours, I was 87 QSO
points ahead of 2010 and 2 mults ahead.  A photo-finish that was very satisfying
after dodging the several sudden solar disturbances.  There were 124 more QSOs,
due to 248 more on 20 but 95 less on 40.  15 and 80 were nearly identical
between the two years.  I’m doubtful, though, that the final results will
exceed 2010 because with these conditions I expect a higher error rate.

The latest call sign stacking enhancements in WriteLog are extremely effective
in handling pileups and tail-enders.  (I’m not sure whether some of the
tail-ending was brilliant or poor operating, but the call stack UI handled it
all easily.)  Several times as I was about to send my TU/CQ message, a new call
sign would jump on the screen and I could stack it and immediately give a report
in a ‘TU, NOW’ message, thus saving a CQ and pileup cycle.  It was also
trivial to work stations in the order that they appeared in the pileup rather
than first working the last station that called.  Second, multiple decoders
were a lifesaver in conditions like these.  I had five parallel decoder windows
setup on each of the three computers/radios.  Many times they read the same, but
very often only one or two would copy cleanly and that saved me from asking for
repeats.  For those interested, I used the Standard, Flutter (FIR), Multipath
and AA6YQ 512FIR profiles in MMTTY plus the hardware DXP38 modem.  The latter
was universally best at decoding off-frequency calls, even as I was slewing the
RIT to bring in a signal, the DXP38 acquired the call sign much sooner.  But,
there was no clear “best decoder” for all marginal copy.  It was surprising
how each decoder had its moment in the sun (pun intended, sorry) this weekend
when only it would decode the signal.

Off-frequency callers … there were significantly more than I’ve ever
experienced before.  Are people using automatic frequency control and not using
it properly?  I do use narrow receive filtering on my side, but it has been the
same for several years now.  However, many of the off-frequency callers were
much further away than a wide filter on their side would allow.  There was
clearly a frequency offset between their receive and transmit.  I’ve come to
have a call sign list in my head of who to expect to never call on my transmit
frequency.  ;>)  On the other hand, I was very impressed with the many others
who called in truly zero-beat, less than 5 cycles off.  That really boosts
rate.  I’m not complaining, though.  I contest for fun and off-frequency
callers are just one more obstacle to deal with.

Thanks to John, W6LD/P40L, and Andy, AE6Y/P49Y, for the cottage station here. 
I’m setting up and looking forward to ARRL DX CW next weekend with John who
arrives late Thursday.  Let’s hope these great conditions hang on through
that weekend!

Ed â€" P49X (W0YK)

QSO/Pref by hour and band

 Hour      80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total     Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z  --+--   68/46   85/64   --+--   --+--  153/110   153/110 
D1-0100Z    -     84/54   71/32     -       -    155/86    308/196 
D1-0200Z  21/8    83/46   36/14     -       -    140/68    448/264 
D1-0300Z  60/20   87/38     -       -       -    147/58    595/322 
D1-0400Z  41/19   86/36     -       -       -    127/55    722/377 
D1-0500Z  55/13   72/26     -       -       -    127/39    849/416 
D1-0600Z  56/14   74/25     -       -       -    130/39    979/455 
D1-0700Z  37/5    55/17     -       -       -     92/22   1071/477 
D1-0800Z  24/4    42/13   --+--   --+--   --+--   66/17   1137/494    12
D1-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1137/494    60
D1-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1137/494    60
D1-1100Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1137/494    60
D1-1200Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    1137/494    60
D1-1300Z    -       -     13/7    14/4      -     27/11   1164/505    47
D1-1400Z    -       -     62/17   80/25     -    142/42   1306/547 
D1-1500Z    -       -     64/15   91/18     -    155/33   1461/580 
D1-1600Z  --+--   --+--   38/6    88/13   --+--  126/19   1587/599 
D1-1700Z    -       -     83/22   93/12     -    176/34   1763/633 
D1-1800Z    -       -     94/17   94/6      -    188/23   1951/656 
D1-1900Z    -       -     71/17   82/10     -    153/27   2104/683 
D1-2000Z    -       -     83/13   70/11     -    153/24   2257/707 
D1-2100Z    -       -     76/7    48/7      -    124/14   2381/721 
D1-2200Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    2381/721    60
D1-2300Z    -     47/9    36/9      -       -     83/18   2464/739    20
D2-0000Z   8/0    63/13   29/9    --+--   --+--  100/22   2564/761 
D2-0100Z  38/2    64/8      -       -       -    102/10   2666/771 
D2-0200Z  55/6    35/5      -       -      2/1    92/12   2758/783 
D2-0300Z  27/4    44/6      -       -       -     71/10   2829/793 
D2-0400Z  49/1    54/5      -       -       -    103/6    2932/799 
D2-0500Z  28/3    50/8      -       -       -     78/11   3010/810 
D2-0600Z  38/4    32/7      -       -       -     70/11   3080/821 
D2-0700Z   6/0     2/0      -       -       -      8/0    3088/821    51
D2-0800Z  --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--   --+--    0/0    3088/821    60
D2-0900Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3088/821    60
D2-1000Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3088/821    60
D2-1100Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3088/821    60
D2-1200Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3088/821    60
D2-1300Z    -       -       -       -       -      0/0    3088/821    60
D2-1400Z    -       -     18/1    52/7      -     70/8    3158/829    21
D2-1500Z    -       -     35/4    77/9      -    112/13   3270/842 
D2-1600Z  --+--   --+--   36/4    85/11   --+--  121/15   3391/857 
D2-1700Z    -       -     15/2    48/7      -     63/9    3454/866 
D2-1800Z    -       -      7/4      -       -      7/4    3461/870    60
D2-1900Z    -       -     58/8    46/9      -    104/17   3565/887 
D2-2000Z    -       -     25/6    21/2      -     46/8    3611/895 

Total:   543/1031042/3621035/278 989/151   2/1  

Pts by hour and band.

             80M     40M     20M     15M     10M    Total   Cumm    OffTime

D1-0000Z    ---+-    408     253    ---+-   ---+-     661    661
D1-0100Z       -     500     210       -       -      710   1371
D1-0200Z     126     498     107       -       -      731   2102
D1-0300Z     360     520       -       -       -      880   2982
D1-0400Z     246     514       -       -       -      760   3742
D1-0500Z     330     432       -       -       -      762   4504
D1-0600Z     334     444       -       -       -      778   5282
D1-0700Z     222     326       -       -       -      548   5830
D1-0800Z     144     250    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-     394   6224     12
D1-0900Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   6224     60
D1-1000Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   6224     60
D1-1100Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   6224     60
D1-1200Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   6224     60
D1-1300Z       -       -      38      42       -       80   6304     47
D1-1400Z       -       -     184     238       -      422   6726
D1-1500Z       -       -     191     273       -      464   7190
D1-1600Z    ---+-   ---+-    114     263    ---+-     377   7567
D1-1700Z       -       -     248     278       -      526   8093
D1-1800Z       -       -     282     281       -      563   8656
D1-1900Z       -       -     212     244       -      456   9112
D1-2000Z       -       -     249     208       -      457   9569
D1-2100Z       -       -     227     142       -      369   9938
D1-2200Z       -       -       -       -       -        0   9938     60
D1-2300Z       -     282     108       -       -      390  10328     20
D2-0000Z      48     376      87    ---+-   ---+-     511  10839
D2-0100Z     228     384       -       -       -      612  11451
D2-0200Z     326     206       -       -       3      535  11986
D2-0300Z     162     262       -       -       -      424  12410
D2-0400Z     294     324       -       -       -      618  13028
D2-0500Z     168     298       -       -       -      466  13494
D2-0600Z     228     192       -       -       -      420  13914
D2-0700Z      36      12       -       -       -       48  13962     51
D2-0800Z    ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-   ---+-       0  13962     60
D2-0900Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13962     60
D2-1000Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13962     60
D2-1100Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13962     60
D2-1200Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13962     60
D2-1300Z       -       -       -       -       -        0  13962     60
D2-1400Z       -       -      54     156       -      210  14172     21
D2-1500Z       -       -     105     231       -      336  14508
D2-1600Z    ---+-   ---+-    108     253    ---+-     361  14869
D2-1700Z       -       -      45     142       -      187  15056
D2-1800Z       -       -      21       -       -       21  15077     60
D2-1900Z       -       -     172     135       -      307  15384
D2-2000Z       -       -      74      62       -      136  15520

Total:      3252    6228    3089    2948       3

           80M    40M    20M    15M    10M   Total      %

    NA     336    587    699    645      0    2267    62.8
    EU     197    426    253    316      0    1192    33.0
    SA       2     11     12     18      2      45     1.2
    AS       6     12     61      2      0      81     2.2
    AF       2      4      5      7      0      18     0.5
    OC       0      2      4      1      0       7     0.2
    4O       1      1      1      1              4
    4X       1      1                            2
    5B              1                            1
    8P                     1                     1
    9A       1      3      1      2              7
    9X                     1                     1
    BY                     1                     1
    CE                     1      1              2
    CM              6      3      2             11
    CN              1                            1
    CT       1      2                            3
   CT3                     1      2              3
    CX              1             3              4
    D4                     1      1              2
    DL      35     71     52     78            236
    E7              3      1                     4
    EA       8     13     10     16             47
   EA6                     1                     1
   EA8       2      2      2      3              9
    EI              1             2              3
    ES       1      5      3      2             11
    EU       3      3      2      1              9
     F       9     12      9     21             51
    FY                            1              1
     G       7     22     10     25             64
    GD       1                                   1
    GM       2      3      6      3             14
    GU       1                                   1
    GW              2      1      1              4
    HA       3      9      6      6             24
    HB       5      6      2      5             18
    HC                     1                     1
    HI              1      1                     2
    HL                     3                     3
     I      13     35     28     42            118
    IS                     1                     1
   IT9              2             1              3
    JA              2     51      1             54
     K     306    531    634    592           2063
    KL              1      2      1              4
   KP4       2      2      2      1              7
    LA       2      4      6      6             18
    LU              4      2      7      1      14
    LY       4      6      1      3             14
    LZ       2      4      2      2             10
    OE       3      5      4      4             16
    OH       6      6     10      7             29
   OH0              1             1              2
    OK       9     17      9      9             44
    OM       5     11      3      5             24
    ON       5      8      7     11             31
    OY                            1              1
    OZ              3      4      2              9
    P4       1      1      2      1      1       6
    PA       4     13     11      9             37
   PJ4       1                                   1
    PY              4      6      4             14
    S5       3     10      7      5             25
    SM       4      5     10      2             21
    SP      16     24     14     13             67
    ST                            1              1
    SV       1      4      5      1             11
   SV9              1                            1
    TF                     1      1              2
    TI       1                                   1
    UA      18     46     11      8             83
   UA9       4      5      4                    13
    UN                     1                     1
    UR      15     47      7     10             79
    V3       1      1      1      1              4
    VE      25     40     50     42            157
    VK                     3                     3
   VP8                            1              1
   VP9                            1              1
    VR                     1                     1
    VU              2             1              3
    XE       1      5      4      5             15
    YB              1             1              2
    YL       4      2      1      2              9
    YO       2     11      3      6             22
    YU       2      4      3      2             11
    YV              1                            1
    Z3       1      1                            2
   ZC4       1      1                            2
    ZF                     1                     1
    ZL              1      1                     2
    ZS              1                            1

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