[3830] WPX CW VC7M(@VE7UF) M/M HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Wed Jun 1 01:31:38 PDT 2011

                    CQWW WPX Contest, CW

Call: VC7M
Operator(s): VA7DX VA7RN VE7AX VE7IO VE7UF
Station: VE7UF

Class: M/M HP
QTH: IOTA NA36 Courtenay
Operating Time (hrs): 48

 Band  QSOs
  160:   11
   80:  331
   40:  634
   20: 1192
   15:  465
   10:   19
Total: 2652  Prefixes = 688  Total Score = 54,551,252



I was glad to have Vancouver Island Operators Les, VA7RN and Don, VE7AX back
again for this one.  I was also glad to have Neil, VA7DX and Fred, VE7IO both
back for the second time.  We very much missed Jim, VE7FO who couldn't make it
for this one.  

Didn't have any computer or other equipment failures for the first time in
years.  I spent lots of time on the 90 foot tower which I planned to use for
10M.  I built 20 and 15 meter high power bandpass filters with the outputs
connected together so we could use the tribander stacks on both bands at the
same time.  I had comercial low power bandbass filters between the TXRX and the
amps so there was lot of isolation.  With 10M being useless we had lots of
antennas so I decided not to break this duplexer setup in during the contest. 
Conditions on other bands were very disappointing and mirrored last year's WPX
CW.  We did manage some short EU runs on 20M Sunday and logged more mults so we
beat last year's score by 500K with only 31 more Qs.  The moral held up very
well considering the poor band conditions and we felt we did well. Our thanks
go to all that called.

73, Duane VE7UF

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