[3830] ARRL June VHF VE6TL Single Op HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Jun 12 20:14:40 PDT 2011

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: VE6TL
Operator(s): VE6TL
Station: VE6TL

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Calgary
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  120    62
    2:    3     1
Total:  123    63  Total Score = 7,503



This was my first VHF contest as now I have 6m with my FTDX-5000MP.  Sporadic E
was the only prop mode going on 6m from here and I must say it was a real
challenge.  Virtually all contacts were north-south, with the longest being
XE2K.  I actually did get a call from KH2TJ, who for 3 seconds, was S9.
Unfortunately, I never heard his grid square.  As for band openings, I reckon
there were thousands of them over the weekend.  But the average opening was
less than 4 seconds, which made the exchange of grid squares pretty tough.  The
longest opening I heard was about 6 minutes, at which time I managed to get the
rate up to 145 Qs per hour.  That only happened once.  

The other thing I should point out is that I don't have a 6m antenna, as this
is on my list of things to build or buy.  In the mean time, I am using my TH6
20-10m tribander which loads up great on 6m and seems to operate 180 degrees to
the signals.  My advantage is that I am at one of the highest elevations in
Calgary, but that doesn't mean too much when you're trying to work DX on 6m. It
would help if I were working 2m SSB or the UHF bands.  

Hopefully the propagation will continue to improve and things will be even more
fun in the next one.  



Rig:  FTDX-5000MP 200W Barefoot
Ant:  TH6DXX at 13m

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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