[3830] ARRL June VHF K7RAT(N6TR) Single Op HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Jun 12 21:39:45 PDT 2011

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: K7RAT
Operator(s): N6TR
Station: N6TR

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 27

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  532   190
    2:   51    16
  222:    0     0
  432:   11     4
Total:  594   210  Total Score = 126,000

Club: Boring Amateur Radio Club


Best six meter score that I have had - with the worst score on the other bands. 
Seems like the local activity is down about 3 db or more from previous efforts. 
I know KI7JA got snowed out from his normal operating places and the same for
K7CW - so maybe others had the same issue.  Nice to work a few rovers on the
coast however (VE7DXG, K7MDL and N7EPD).  

Nice openings to various places in the country.  The band was good to the
Southwest at the start of the contest.  A small opening around 0200Z to EN
land. A great opening to FN land Sunday morning (67 FN stations in the log)
followed by a very solid opening to EM land later in the afternoon.  Nice to
work 145 stations on 6CW.


6M - K3 with pair of 3-500Zs with 4KV on the plates grounded grid - 1500 watts
to 6/5/7 elements pointing various directions (WX0B StackMatch).  

2M - K3 with N7ART designed amp with 3CX1200Z7 tube - 1000 watts output to a 17
element beam at 90 feet.

432 - K3/XV432 transverter + 100 watt brick to 28 element beam up 95 feet. 
This is twice as high as my old 432 antenna - but I had 1/4th the QSOs I had
the first time I operated this contest.  

No preamps - using 7/8" hardline with 200 foot runs on 2 & 432.  

Many thanks to everyone who made the effort to hand out some QSOs.  With the
low activity on the high bands - every single QSO was very much appreciated.  

73 Tree N6TR
Boring, OR

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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