[3830] ARRL June VHF K0DU Single Op HP

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Mon Jun 13 10:02:39 PDT 2011

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: K0DU
Operator(s): K0DU
Station: K0DU

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 16.8

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6: 1204   287
    2:   12    11
Total: 1216   298  Total Score = 362,368

Club: Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado


The VHF contests are not of much interest from here in the black hole of DM58 .
I usually get on long enough to give out a few contacts from DM58 and call it
quits. This years plans were not any different until I had a flare up of gout
in my left foot just days before this contest. Saturday morning I couldn't even
get my shoe on so I decided to hang out house bound and play radio for awhile .
I started out on two meters and came up with nothing so I went to six and
started running stations. When six would peter out a bit I would go back to two
meters.  On 144mhz I did manage to work in to Utah Idaho and Arizona and a few
other grids in Colorado.  As I have said DM58 is not the place for 144mhz or
432mhz ! Six was good most of the day and all the Caribbean stations were easy
on six . NOW THE REST OF THE STORY ! This weekend was my 59th birthday ( Sunday
) and I was suppose to be doing other things with family including dinner on
late Saturday afternoon GOUT OR NO GOUT. and I was not intending to be running
this contest either...AND NOW AT 5:00 P.M.Saturday IT'S TIME TO LEAVE FOR
DINNER ! YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME ...RIGHT ? I now have a pile up ass deep on
six meters and it's now time to leave for dinner ? NO WAY ! Well off I and the
XYL in to town and me leaving a great six meter run behind . Two and a half
hours later I get home and six is still open . Good lord how many Q's did I
loose while I was gone ? Now I am back on six and I was trying to make up for
lost time . Sunday six was good most of the day. I never got that opening to
California or that big opening to the east coast so Mults were down . I did the
best I could considering the poor planning this weekend and I did have some fun
any way. I still keep thinking about those two and a half hours off! DAMN !OH
WELL . Thanks to Larry K0CL for selling me his six meter . It sure helped out .
Maybe I'll try this contest again some day. Rig here Yaesu FTDX 5000 and KW with
7 el M2 on 50 mhz at 60ft . Icom 7000 with 17 el and 160 watts on 144mhz .
Thanks to all for all for the contacts . 73'S Jerry K0DU

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