[3830] ARRL June VHF XE2K Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Jun 14 23:00:25 PDT 2011

                    ARRL June VHF QSO Party

Call: XE2K
Operator(s): XE2K
Station: XE2K

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: DM22fp
Operating Time (hrs): 

 Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  293   133
Total:  293   133  Total Score = 38,969

Club: Grupo DXXE


Again  like the old times contesting at 101 Deg F,  radio was
 cooled  with 3 High speed  fans during the VERY short Runs and
 the Very long CQ's in dead band at DM22
Talking of dead times, here my rates
Hour      50M    Total     Cumm    OffTime
D1-1800Z  54/31   54/31     54/31  
D1-1900Z  41/18   41/18     95/49  
D1-2000Z   1/0     1/0      96/49     58
D1-2100Z  13/6    13/6     109/55     27
D1-2200Z  22/11   22/11    131/66  
D1-2300Z  97/43   97/43    228/109 
D2-0000Z  24/4    24/4     252/113 
D2-0100Z   4/4     4/4     256/117    34
D2-0200Z   1/0     1/0     257/117    59
D2-0300Z   3/0     3/0     260/117    46
D2-0400Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-0500Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-0600Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-0700Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-0800Z  --+--    0/0     260/117    60
D2-0900Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1000Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1100Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1200Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1300Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1400Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1500Z    -      0/0     260/117    60
D2-1600Z  --+--    0/0     260/117    60
D2-1700Z  20/6    20/6     280/123    26
D2-1800Z  13/6    13/6     293/129 

At 21 Z Quit and drove Home.

 Some  notes:
A great opening to VE3 like never before, the  2 longest Shots  where   N1BUG 
and W1MU.

 This time  using  a 8 L  LFA 12.5mts Boom @ 100ft,  3L LFA at 50ft fixed,
  Stacked pair of home brew halos and  1/4 w Vertical ground plane at 60ft.
The set up works great, most of the time the LFA was at 50 Deg. and the halos
 work the others stations out of that direction, very sharp the 8L, great to
 line Noise from the City, made possible a lot of contacts hard or impossible
before with the  6M7JHV  at 140ft, thanks to Justin  G0KSC for the great
antennas he design and sell,  (I build my own),  also  thanks  to  all those 
OM's that  keep calling me  with QSB was present, the only station that hear
 and do not  made the QSO was  NGØR , more than 10 minutes calling him and
 Hope next time
A few photos of the set up

Hector XE2K

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