[3830] TBDC WB8JUI Single Op LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Jun 19 08:38:50 PDT 2011

                    Stew Perry Topband Challenge - Summer

Call: WB8JUI
Operator(s): WB8JUI
Station: WB8JUI

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: Bellevue, Ohio EN81
Operating Time (hrs): ~3.0

Total:  QSOs = 48  Total Score = 159



Thanks to KV4K (Ray) for reminding there was a SP contest this weekend. 
Unfortunately I spent the morning tearing up radials in the yard in preparation
for some contractor work in the next couple of weeks.  Figured I'd give it a go
nonetheless.  All radials to the NE, E, and SE were uprooted.

Things started out as usual (very slow), working K1LT around 2130, and then
absolutely nothing heard until about 2 hours later.  Used that time to make a
few 20 meter AA contacts, as well as working CU2JT on 6 meters.  For awhile, I
thought that 6 meter contact would outdistance anything I would work on 160.

As mentioned by others, the QRN was terrible.  Pretty much to be expected this
time of year, especially with all the storms in the area.  Heard KV4FZ early
on, but wasn't able to work Herb until around 0130.  The only other DX worked
was G4AMT.  Thanks Terry, your willingness to hang in there while I stumbled
around with the QRN was greatly appreciated.

I figured I would drag myself out of bed at 0730 and see if by chance there was
any activity to the West.  Found a lonely N6RO, but nothing else.  Back to bed
and up again at 6:30 AM to scope things out again, but nada.

As Vic (K1LT) posted, I definitely feel we should try this again.  It can only
get better.

73 - Rick WB8JUI

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