[3830] WVQP N8II Single OpMixed HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Jun 21 10:57:46 PDT 2011

                    West Virginia QSO Party

Call: N8II
Operator(s): N8II
Station: N8II

Class: Single OpMixed HP
Operating Time (hrs): 5.5

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
   80:   15      0       
   40:   55     16       
   20:   56    568       
   15:    0      0       
   10:    0     23       
Total:  126    607      0  Mults = 69  Total Score = 59,958

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Scores includes 300 bonus points for 3 W8WVA QSO's.

I just returned back from Asheville, NC vacationing, a 400+ mile drive Friday 
and was still feeling tired Saturday. The XYL pressured me into visiting with
her relatives from out of town, so those factors together with heavy
thunderstorm QRN provided me with an excuse to not push thru the full 10
I was off from before 21Z until 0115Z. 

While running on 20, a ham from Weaverville, NC called in where we had stopped
for breakfast the day before, small world! 20 phone was pretty intense with
rates above 170 per hour at times thanks to many casual ops and good sporadic
At 16Z not much Es was happening, but by 17Z stations from OH, southern VA, NC,
and the other side of WV were loud on 20. Then a little later there was an
excellent opening to the northeast with many W1 and W2 QSO's and even a few
from PA and DE only 140 miles away! I tried 10M once with only 3 Q's in the
afternoon, but two were from OH including W8TM who seemed to be everywhere
(just worked him on 40 CW). I think we worked 5 or 6 times, tnx QSO's! His
claimed score is great with 69 Q's and a whopping 35 counties! 

I did a poor job of chasing the mobiles, just too busy on 20 phone, but did
check 40 CW a couple of times and came up empty. The noise was something to
behold on 20 thru 80 at night, pretty much a steady S7 on 20 with crashes
louder, very fatiguing if you were to try and run the weak ones. 10 was open to
AZ, NV, and CA on double hop Es at 0130Z, but the volume was low.

Thanks to K8RYU/M for 4 counties, last year it was 9 Q's. It's nice to have QP
regulars W0BH and K4BAI supporting our QSO party, the out of state HP race is
too close to call. Whoever was operating W8WVA was doing a fine job on CW
providing a lot of bonus points.

I sent out a post to clarify some of the rules per contest manager Jeff, KZ8E
which has not shown up yet.
Scoring is: phone QSO's = 1 point except WV mobile = 2 points
            CW and digital QSO's = 2 points except WV mobiles = 3 points
In state ops count Canadian provinces as mults and the first QSO with WV counts
for both state and county multipliers. You may e-mail KZ8E if you have any

It is fun to be on the in state side once a year, lots of callers enhanced by
good condx and WV being a rare state for WAS. Except for the QRN issues, this
is an excellent time of the year for a state QP. The weekend was picked to
celebrate WV (statehood) day, June 20, 1863. Thanks for all of the calls and
hope to be back next year with lower QRN levels.

73, Jeff
Shepherdstown, WV FM19cj

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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