[3830] NCCC Sprint K7SS LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Thu Jun 23 21:30:29 PDT 2011

                    NCCC Sprint Ladder - Jun 24

Call: K7SS
Operator(s): K7SS
Station: K7SS

Class: Single Op LP
QTH: wa
Operating Time (hrs): .5

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   2      1
   80:   5      2
   40:  21     14
   20:  23     14
Total:  51     31  Total Score = 1,581

Club: Western Washington DX Club


All went well tonite.. despite not really having two of the 4 bands. 160 and 80
on one of the longest days of the year is quite something to listen to. hahaha

but 20 and 40 made up for them.

A funny thing: No heard or worked - OR, ID, VE7, VE6, VE5, MT, UT, CO...nothing
close in to WA. Closest station other than stalwart Team Seattle, K7WA W7OM KK7S
NG7Z, was 800 miles away in SF area. 

Nice to work Steve AA7V in AZ, and Mike (W5JBV) now K4MTI on 2 bands each. And
welcome to Paul NG7Z up north of town...and returnees K5OT and WI2E. 

Called W7OM after the test and we noted that there is a bright side to the days
getting shorter now! LOL... good low bands hardly mean more than nice sunny
days, however, especially up hereSeattle way. so its a very very tiny bright

How about an in between ladder where the exchange is your original call sign
instead of name...? that should be fun.

DanWa K7SS

IC756Pro2, Steppir 3el/40 dipole combo at 50', slopers on 80, inv L on 160

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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