webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Tue Nov 1 00:18:34 PDT 2011

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: N4KG
Operator(s): N4KG +PACKET
Station: N4KG

Class: SOAB(A) HP
Operating Time (hrs): 34.5

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
  160:    7     4        5
   80:   60    14       43
   40:  115    23       69
   20:  207    33       94
   15:  282    35      112
   10:  374    35      125
Total: 1045   144      448  Total Score = 1,733,968

Club: Alabama Contest Group


Just about everything at N4KG is damaged or broken following the April Tornadoes
and 30 years of tree growth.  ALL of my monobanders are out of commission for
various reasons and my primary amplifier died while calling a DXpedition on 12M
RTTY a few weeks ago.  Something in the Tank Circuit gave up the ghost, most
likely due to high circulating currents and the continuous duty cycle of RTTY.

For this contest, I resurrected my 80M Elevated GP, 160M Inverted L, 80M wire
Vertical, installed a 40M corner fed Delta Loop (apex 50'broadside 75 degrees)
which worked amazingly well and converted the former High 80M Dipole to a
Sloper from 130' to the NE fed with Ladderline for 80 and 40M which was
noticably better than the loop to RG9A on 40M.  For the rest of Europe, the
Loop was close to the sloper and did NOT require a tuner (which limited
Bandwith w/o retuning).

I replaced my 6 Band amp with an Old SB-220, actually a second SB-220 since the
first one failed after switching to the High Voltage position the day before the
contest, after using it for a few weeks in the Low Voltage position. With no
more replacement amps, I operated the remaining amp in the Low Voltage positon
at 600 Watts output (and 100W on 160M).  Needless to say, I miss my 130' High
80M dipoles, 40M 2L Beam at 95', and higher power Amplifier!  My TH7 at 40 ft
performed amazingly well, especially in the African pileups! A second tribander
would have saved a LOT of time waiting for the rotator to move my only
functional high band antenna.  

As usual, my focus was on Multipliers and Multi-Band Contacts except that this
time I ceased operating at 0600Z both nights which impacted my low band totals.
 80M was a struggle Friday night but seemed to pick up Saturday night.  As
usual, it was frustrating hearing all the DX stations below our band working
only DX.  20M suffered from spending most of the daylight hours on 10 and 15
meters.  It was interesting to note the Direct Path 20M opening to DU (and
apparently AH0) for most of the day.  All contacts were made in S&P or Packet
Spot mode.

I was pleased with the number of multi-band contacts from this contest,
completing 5 and 6 banders (lifetime tracking) with many Europeans due to the
excellent 10M conditions.

6 Bands = 1 QSO (NP4Z)
5 Bands = 21 calls
4 Bands = 33 calls
3 Bands = 52 calls
2 Bands = 90 calls
1 Band  = 466 calls

Tom N4KG in North Alabama

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