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Mon Nov 28 03:16:38 PST 2011

                    CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW

Operator(s): HB9DHG
Station: HB9DHG

Class: SOSB/20 HP
QTH: Origlio Ti
Operating Time (hrs): 30

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
   20: 1741   3158      93
Total: 1741   3158      93  Total Score = 385,276

Club: HB9ON Radio Club


It 'was a great experience. The special call sign HB9STEVE, granted during the
month of November, has certainly allowed us to increase the rate during the
contest. The propagation conditions were exceptional and i found lot of 
stations from around the world strongly active during this worldwide contest

The result was amazing and I had high rates during the entire contest.
In S & P I have had some difficulty to pass the correct call and I often had to
reduce speed to be understood. Note that many operators do not trust their
ability .. and thinking that the call copied was wrong .. they continued to
confirm HB9STE or HB9SVE etc..
In any case I hope that the official result will confirm the new Swiss record.
While I operated from my QTH in this category specifically to maximize the
position, HB9ON colleagues have been busy on other bands as Checklogs, and
especially to increase the number of QSOs with the special callsign. In
particular HB9FBS Goran, HB9FBM Fabio, HB9CIP Daniele, have held high the name
of our club and brought several thousand QSO in the log. A big thank you for
taking the time and for the lost hours of sleep.

Technically I worked with my spare RTX, the Kenwood TS-2000. The amplifier Acom
2000 was limited to about 1kw of power output.
During the 48 hours of the contest, the Mac Pro with Parallels, and MK2R N1MM
of microHAM have done their job very well. In total I worked 29 hours and 59
seconds, spending the majority of my rest in the night between Saturday and

I guest that if we had entered in the M/S category, perhaps from HB9CIP or
HB9FBS shack, I'm sure we would have exceeded even the record in this category,
but the important thing in this type of events is to have fun and experiment.

The "inverted L" HB9FBS has enhanced the characteristic of the 160m band
especially in this contest, while the Delta Loop from HB9FBM took good defense
on all bands.

Once again a great result!
Looking forward to hear all of you next year.
All the best!

Vy 73 de HB9DHG Fulvio

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