[3830] CaQP KH6LC(AH6RE) SOFixed HP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sun Oct 2 18:46:31 PDT 2011

                    California QSO Party

Call: KH6LC
Operator(s): AH6RE
Station: KH6LC

Class: SOFixed HP
QTH: Keaau, HI
Operating Time (hrs): 24

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
  160:    1      1
   80:   29     10
   40:   60     47
   20:   58    158
   15:   92    230
   10:   54    165
Total:  294    611  Mults = 58  Total Score = 122,032



Thanks again to Lloyd KH6LC for making his station available for this fun event,
and to the organizers and in-state participants for keeping it lively.
Conditions were very good Saturday morning and during the day, but less good on
Sunday, when from Hawai'i 10 meters was only moderately good and only for the
last hour or so.  So there is still room to hope for even higher scores than
the ones that will be seen this year.  By now I'm used to having to co-exist
with the Oceania DX SSB on Saturday, but new this year was the multitude of
callers from the RSGB 10/15 meter contest who sometimes topped S9 on 15 meters.
 Next year I will have three different logging programs available to keep track
of it all. 

73, Curt AH6RE

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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