[3830] NA Sprint RTTY NN7SS(K6UFO) QRP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Sat Oct 8 21:19:47 PDT 2011

                    NA Sprint RTTY Contest - October

Call: NN7SS
Operator(s): K6UFO
Station: NN7SS

Class: Single Op QRP
Operating Time (hrs): 4
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Op Time
   80:  10         
   40:  36         
   20:  49         
Total:  95     Mults = 34  Total Score = 3,230

Club: Western Washington DX Club



I can't recall conditions being so bad. 20m was weak and 
slow. The low bands even weaker and slower. Activity 
seemed really low as well.

I pushed two radios as hard as I could, but mostly that 
was unanswered CQs, people moving in on my CQ frequency, 
and people CQing in my face without even a "?".  

MMTTY crashed once during the contest, or maybe I clicked 
on something I shouldn't, but even the time to restart it 
and redo the settings was more interesting than the slow 
QSO rate. Even working dupes was better than nothing. I 
worked people who were giving the Makrothen exchange,
and people ragchewing who wanted to tell me all about 
their equipment. I was relieved to finally work even 
10 QSOs on 80m! Maybe everyone gave up early? 

NN7SS Burt WA (K6UFO op)

20m: C-31XR at 71ft 
40m: Force 12 Delta 240 at 78ft  
80m: Delta Loop from 70 ft.
Two Yaesu FT-1000MPs turned down to 5 watts
Writelog software and W5XD SO2R box
MMTTY software

QSO by hour and band.
          80M     40M     20M    Total   Cumm 
0000Z    ---+-      5      26       31     31
0100Z       -      14      13       27     58
0200Z       1      11      10       22     80
0300Z       9       6       -       15     95
Total:     10      36      49

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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