[3830] PaQP W3USA Multi-Op Mobile LP

webform at b41h.net webform at b41h.net
Fri Oct 14 15:55:29 PDT 2011

                    Pennsylvania QSO Party

Call: W3USA
Operator(s): K8BL, K8MR
Station: W3USA

Class: Multi-Op Mobile LP
QTH: 23 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 13

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  RTTY Qs  PSK31 Qs
   80:  126     23                 
   40:  411     76                 
   20:  192      8                 
   15:    6      3                 
Total:  735    110      0         0  Mults = 105  Total Score = 176,900

Club: North Coast Contesters


By county, in order of appearance:

CTY    CW    SSB

LAW     6      2
BUT    29      2 
ARM    36      5 
INN    45      3
CMB    41      4 
SOM    29      3 
BED    38     17
FUL    48     10
HUN    23      0
FRA    28      4
PER    53      0
JUN    38     12
MIF    21      2 
SNY    43      9       
NUM    34      0
UNI    25      2 
CLI    24      4
CEN    38      9   
CLE    34      9
JEF    19      4
CLA    25      6
VEN    26      0      
MER    32      3

55 ARRL Sections   1 DX   49 Counties    11000 mobile bonus points

Ny regular driver of recent years, AC8E, was not able to make the trip (though
he did make 100+ qsos from back home in Ohio). I had put out a message to the
Mad River Radio Club and the North Coast Contesters looking for a PaQP
driver/operator.  Nothing heard form for over a week, and then last Sunday I
got two responses within half an hour. I decided to accept both, so headed out
on Saturday with Bob, K8BL, as W3USA/M,  returned to spend the night in
Hermitage in Mercer county, and then went back out for Sunday with Gary, AF8A,
as K8MR/M.

This was BL's first mobile contesting trip, and he had a FB time, even though
he deferred much of the operating to me. (He also enjoys driving, and with the
beautiful weather and changing fall leaves, he seemed pretty happy with the
driving duty).

We got behind the intended schedule before the contest started, as US422 in New
Castle was closed down for construction, with no seen detour posted. We followed
the Delorme Road Atlas maps around the town, getting back to 422 after 20+

It was great having in state propagation on 40 meters after all the low sunspot
years. I was also surprised at a number of QSOs on 20 with people close in
people, but not local. AA3B in particular had a number of such contacts. Not
sure if it was backscatter, tropo, or what, but it was cool. Good rates during
the day, but after dark they dropped noticably.

The interesting driving event was having a horse drawn trailer almost pull out
in front of us, I believe in Perry county. But the Amish driver applied full
reverse thrusters, and got the animal back with plenty of space to spare.

As always, it was an enjoyable trip around my home state. The K8MR mobile
contest station has been packed away for the winter, next appearance likely the
Michigan QSO Party in April.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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